Agreed. Jak II was the low point of the series, and to think he chose to include that instead of Ratchet & Clank or Sly Cooper.
Also Jak&Daxter > Jak 3 > Daxter > Jak X > Jak II
Agreed. Jak II was the low point of the series, and to think he chose to include that instead of Ratchet & Clank or Sly Cooper.
Also Jak&Daxter > Jak 3 > Daxter > Jak X > Jak II
Wait really? Color me impressed. I should’ve tried crouching and not doing anything for a few seconds near a cat.
Forgot to name and shame: Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed Origins
WHY even put cats in your game if you can’t pet them?
TBF, DOOM is an insanely well-optimized game. My 2400G APU can do 40-60fps at 1080p High
TBF, DOOM is an insanely well-optimized game. My 2400G APU can do 40-60fps at 1080p High
Hah. I can’t even begin to imagine Paul Thomas Anderson’s Monster Hunter, but I now want it more than anything
RAGE2 no longer a brown/gray mess CONFIRMED
“It’s no longer enough for AAA video games to have sleek graphics, hours upon hours of playable content, and innovative game mechanics. They also need top-notch voice acting, cinematic cutscenes featuring real actors performing in motion-capture suits, and a compelling story with all sorts of character…
Oof. Sounds like you need to get out more
“Stick to the inferior version of the game, without our buddies (the only real reason to play Destiny), or pay for a new version and then start a character from scratch.”
I thought the PS4 was the best place to play destiny. Did I miss something?
Lots of dumb reasoning being used to excuse this article’s existence.
That’s not even the issue here, everyone knows nVidia cards are better than AMD’s in virtually every measurable way. The issue is scummy business practices that put their competitor in an unfair disadvantage.
LOL. Much like how you can’t make war film without glorifying war, you can’t make satire without emboldening the stupid
Thanks for posting this video on a part of Kotaku that allows comments.
Now I just wish I had comment worth posting...
Jak X would like to have a word
Is the patch out yet? I’m on article v1.10 but I don’t see Sony’s response
Edit: Found it, here are the patchnotes:
That last option made it much easier to make sure Bayek was always rocking a beard, a shaved head, and no hood, which is objectively his best look and I will hear no arguments to the contrary.
Defect is the last character planned for the Early Access version of the game
When’s that PC release coming, again?
I got stuck at the same exact place, at which point I said to myself:
“this is duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmbbb” and quit the game forever. You’d need to be a severely Potter-starved fanboy/girl to enjoy it.