
Is the 60-fps mode available only to the premium consoles? Because if so, that’s a rip-off and a half (and a bag of dicks).
My old laptop with integrated graphics from half a decade ago could run it at 720p60. There’s no way a modern console couldn’t push that to 1080.


This is the best burnout game in existence and your opinion is wrong. It’s a natural progression to the series, expands on everything that made it great and then went beyond.
Crash mode: Better.
Racing: Better.
Jumps: Better.
Exploration: Existent.
Plus a whole bunch of brand new modes. Also the

Jason liked all the things I hated about Civil war (the stupid and ultimately inconsequential conflict) and disliked the thing I loved the most (an interesting (by Marvel movie standards at that point) villain).

Are there a lot of people who think this?

I’m sorry about your case of adult-life bleeding into videogame-life, Cecilia.
Thoughts and prayers are being sent your way

I’m not saying the game isn’t gonna suck (cause I have no way of knowing that), but all the “reasons” you provided for believing it will are stupid and you should feel bad.

I think you need to reread my comment (and the article) and check your biases

This article’s thumbnail picture made me laugh out loud every single time I’ve visited Kotaku today. Just wanted to say thank you

That’s... incredibly shitty and short-sighted if true, but I don’t see any other explanation.

There is currently no way to have front-facing cameras AND a completely *edge-to-edge* display on a phone. To compromise, Apple chose to fill-in the wasted space on the sides of their iPhone X’s top bezel with screen, forming that sensor-packed “notch” everyone’s raving about.

So, once android phone manufacturers saw

It feels like we just had a new smash bros game.
Where’s Animal Crossing at? It belongs on the switch (just like most games do)

How come xbox is left out? Weren’t Sony the anti cross-plat guys?

Crash on Nintendo? Pfffff, what’s next? Final Fantasy on an Xbox?

Can’t wait for the modding community to un-remove Noctis’ body and weapons.
And maybe add a bit of head-bobbing

Man have I missed this game. AND iTS FREE FOR AMAzoN PRIME MEMBERS

Hell yeah.

That’s bizarre. I’ve heard of a billion different issues arising from an OS drive cloning, but this is a new one. Probably should’ve reinstalled Windows

Does the game look any better when emulated?

I really hope they let the players who got the unlocked version keep it.

Like, I doubt that people who were trying out the demo but got the full game instead would have anything bad to say about it.

I know they’re editable, but I can’t find any way to delete them. Even before the ?? minute lockout.

Just googled it (after years of not caring) and apparently its just Kinja policy. Good to know