
It’s a fun read.  How can you not like Double-O Bashir? hehe...

Your review doesnt really seem to match the B+ grade, but whatevs! I know we have to grade this show on a generous scale...

There’s very little about ST:D that involves originality. The whole Control plot is basically lifted from the David Mack novel of two years ago...

I was just gonna say, Sacrifice of Angels would like to have a word... or any of a dozen other DS9 episodes...

Just as a self correction... re: time crystals... they are, apparently, a real thing...

Sorry Allison, I was really bitching at Kinja, and I didn’t mean anything negative to you or to your reviews.

Maybe Kinja ate my comment (still ugh)... but trying again... slightly different... because Allison is allowed to swear and I’m not despite being here longer... but whatevs!


Looks like he could use a jellybaby...

I hate replying to myself... but we play with the comment system we’ve got... (will never forgive.)


I’m still Team Josh, but now Allison has me second guessing myself!

Yeah, I knew after I posted that I had mixed up the cinematographer with the director for that kind of choice. I stand corrected.

No, they aren’t. There are no Trek themes in this show. Trek was literally about discovery, exploring new ideas, pushing the boundaries of conventional thought.


Because they now have countless examples of *how to do it*.

Or they could be Daleks...

So much fun. Loved it. Tons of callbacks, and retconned or not (I don’t really think it was, much), it totally worked.

I was so happy to see Audra back before the end, and the bonus! JAP Battle Reprise! Loved it so hard, lol...

The time crystal line just had me lauging out loud...