A flaming horse’s patoot!
A flaming horse’s patoot!
Unfortunately, no... 8P
Ten uses of the word “little” in the recap. Need a new adjective!
Obviously he’s never seen Pulp Fiction!
It’s like “Darkness at Noon” from The Good Wife, lol...
It was unclear, but then Lorraine said, “Come on, you start right now” as they went off to (probably) the ranch.
These are the Sheriff Tillman’s I know, I know, these are the Sheriff Tillman’s I know.
Some good shots, but... painful.
I loved the music in this episode, especially that techno song over the end credits. Had almost a Blade Runnery/Vangelis wavering effect and feel, and suited perfectly.
Note to publisher... all of the linked videos are “Not available in your country” so maybe host your own vids or just don’t bother. Page filled of black squares is not great.
lol, when Luthen (Stellan Skarsgard) referenced the Rakatan, I was like... how on earth does that character know about them? Then it turns out his cover is an ancient antiquities dealer! Argh, show, let me pick some nits! ;)
Look, I love Tat, I’ll watch whatever she does after Orphan Black.
“That’s because Blonsky was the villain in 2008’s The Incredible Hulk, an early MCU entry in which Dr. Banner was played not by Mark Ruffalo but Edward Norton.”
Nah, I worked in the mall for a decade up until ~2001 ish (at which point they were definitely on their last legs). Depending on how busy it was and the day of the week, even our sometimes complex computer store could be locked up as quick as 10 after if we got started closing early. The food places always closed…
Hah, thought I was the only one who’d notice that! ;)
It was terrific.
That’s amazeballs, ty for pointing that out!
Hats off for Michael Mando. Loved him since Orphan Black.
Take care, Dennis. Haven’t always agreed with you, but always read you! Won’t be the same around here. Thanks.
D20 is the only one I’ve watched, mostly because it’s beyond funny, lol... But yeah, I do *not* get the whole watch other people play games when, yaknow, I could actually play the game? Plus it’s been about 25 years since I played any live action D&D. (I started 42-odd years ago, yes I do have the original Blue Box [we…