%Life’s not a song,
%Life’s not a song,
Thank you for the link to the interview.
OMG how I have missed this show! And such a great premiere!
Careful, The Machine reads these things! ;)
Better than usual. Still the same structural problems... awful direction (give the camera pans and angles a rest, jeez!), awful dialogue (“They’ll slice the hull like cheese!”) and a general hitting-you-on-the-head with themes (to be fair, a Trek tradition.)
That airplane bit seemed like they were trying to go for the Northern Exposure episode when Joel had his last ep and left Cicely... which even though the situation sucked, worked pretty well in NX.
Whew... I’m glad that’s over! Thanks for the reviews, Myles, but this is where I get off. I’ll keep reading, of course, but if nothing else, this final ep has made me certain that to stop watching at this point is the right call.
Ahh, Tiny Clint Howard! Who *doesn’t* relish tranya?!
It’s obviously Burnham or possibly Tilly, although the angel may be slimmer than her.
“like a moon somewhere” I literally cringed...
No, you’re not being too hard on it. The show makes no sense, internally or with lore.
Fun book series, btw!
That was one loooong summer break!
Oh, this was god awful. As you say, the whole Lip conflict made absolutely zero sense, with him apparently forgetting everything he learned in the program about addiction and personal responsibility. Fiona’s fall is one (stupid, stupid) thing, but the conflict with Lip is utterly nonsensical.
I’d even watch him on Cordon’s show.
Ilana still has her Matrix coat!
Blergh... this show, like all the other Netflix shows, suffers from SOOO much bloat. This story meanders for no purpose, wastes time. This could have been done in a concise 6 episodes...