
Being a software developer, it’s not a lie unless you have finished product marketing materials stating things that aren’t present in the final game. People got caught up in the alpha footage, micro-parsed his statements, and let their imaginations run wild.

They should have gone the route that Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe took. OTTD split the audio and visual assets into mods essentially, and provided instructions on how to use the original assets, while at the same time the community provided assets that could be freely distributed.  

I don’t know if it is just Verizon that supports this but I receive texts over wifi just fine. My in-laws live in the sticks and legit have to drive 30 minutes to get a signal, yet I can comfortably text away from their wifi-connected home.

oh my lord why

“...focus on multiple players operating each sheep...”

TBH I always thought the reason why cross-play wasn’t enabled was due to technical reasons as opposed to marketing. Updates sometimes roll out at different times on different platforms, so something as simple as rolling out a new content update might be a several week affair.

What I’m finding interesting now are the parallels between Bernard and the hosts. Bernard is technically Arnold, or rather a creation of Ford that was shaped by Arnold’s memories. Based on the currently understood timeline, Dolores offed Arnold before Delos took ownership of the park. That has me thinking that the

Stop. Just stop. Remember just 2 years ago when the hype train fell off a cliff? Remember the letdown? I’m not saying Next will be a let down, but please keep expectations in check folks. Signing up for a police force when we don’t even know how many people can be in the same session? C’mon now.

Now I know that the blocking rules are different in the pros, but I don’t understand how a defender jumping into the path becomes a offensive charge regardless. What is the offense expected to do, stop all momentum and break their ankles in the process?

Identification. Suppose you’re lost, your identity could be communicated verbally like “John McJohnFace, 32-year-old male” and that could be used to help paint a mental picture of an individual. While not all males look alike, it can be more helpful than just an X or something arbitrary.

Hold on now. Before one judges what the chip makers do in order to have high speeds, also recognize that the OS makers do the same thing. Meltdown and one of the Spectre variants could have stayed in the completely theoretical realm if the OSes were designed to have completely separate page tables between userspace

“Instead they made lose allusions to an embargo...”
I think you mean “loose”.

I liked the game as well, but I also think it was the only game where Dante’s design makes sense in the context of the game world.

You do realize this is just a demo of a total conversion for Vicky 3, right?

I would wager that she’s an event due to the nature of the quest. It is not your typical hunt, but a hunt that changes due to the contribution of other players. It’s a smart strategy to keep it as an event in order to benefit from the boost that game communities get when having such events.

Thank goodness. This will give me time to finish gearing up for some gold farming.

Speaking as someone who has to conform to GDPR, a lot of it is really just plain friggin sense. Sure there is some red tape overhead, but if you were already only taking the bare minimum necessary info then there isn’t a whole lot of change.

It is a shame that this game was rushed. I enjoyed it in its released state despite its numerous faults.

I know this article is about GoW and MHW, but now that you’re level 40+ (or at least I’m assuming you are) in AC:Origins, what do you think of the Trials? I was really excited for them at first but barring the one cool costume I got they don’t really seem to be worth the effort...

I want a steam or PS4 version of Harmony of Despair so badly....