
Like Europa Universalis IV, one of the main reasons it is so daunting is that it plops you in without an objective. Sure the tutorial has some scenarios and may teach some mechanics, but that is different from what you should actually do in the game.

The real game begins when ransomware makers see this and start tying proportional unlocks of the files with your rank.

I hope a rocket powered charge blade is in the works. Or perhaps a crossover with Warframe so I can use the jet kittag on monsters.

How can PUBG Corp have grounds for a suit when their product is a derivative work as it is?

There are some DLCs that really enhance the QoL. Way of Life and Legacy of Rome are near essential, with some saying Conclave is as well. Luckily those are some of the older DLCs and run pretty inexpensive fairly often.

Maybe it is my config, but starbound runs like crap on my laptop, and it can comfortably play Divinity: Original Sin.

The only games I play with my son usually involve him making the decisions. Our faux-NASA in Kerbal Space Program has a bunch of mickey mouse shaped rockets, but hey, they get to Mun just fine. I don’t like playing all too many violent games in front of him, so what he has seen me play has been limited to Monster

FF XV Royal Edition released for the PC this month including all the DLC for $50. The “equivalent” edition was released less than 18 months ago on the PS4 for $90, not to mention that the last part of that paid for content came just 3 months ago.

The story elements that they added with the last major update were pretty decent. It functions as both an extended tutorial and for some direction if you’re not happy with exploring on your own.

publishers do have a huge say when it comes to release dates. They need to protect their investment after all.

More Monster Hunter World, and probably top off Assassin’s Creed Origins. I can’t wait for the Surviving Mars review. It’s been on my radar for a while but I’m still a little uncertain.

It is their fault. Bain capital came into the picture when they were already having issues. The store, very much like my memories of it, had not really changed to counter the more immediate threats of Walmart and Target.

While I most likely won’t be using Aloy’s set in the higher tempered dragon quests, with enough upgrading I can see using it for an average hunt. If it wasn’t for the fact that I was w/o power I would have tried hopping in your game in her set because I think it would have been totally unrewarding to the whole

I was worried about that initially, but after doing some random SOS farming for a while, I realized that there were two types of people playing - those that were farming for materials and those that were playing for the heck of it. Carting really only affects the amount of zenny you bring back, so there’s no shame in

It really doesn’t. Multiplayer scales up the monster’s health, so breaking just takes more hits.

The shameful part of the lineup change is that on average PS4 owners were getting 3+ games due to the crossbuy. Not all of those games were gems for sure, but it was nice at least.

hold the phone - MIGHTY NO 9?????!!!!?

Finally coming close to Monster Hunter World’s endgame, so I will probably mess around with that a bit more before jumping back into AC Origins.

He needs to get his hearing checked. Always “hearing more and more about...” when folks don’t seem to be saying it.

Probably bad take here, but I think of my job as my job. There are folks that I know I would 100% want to avoid outside of the workplace because of their views, but in the office we talk business and are able to get along as professionals. Anything more than that is just an unnecessary distraction.