
Exactly. PV=NRT.

It’s very likely Radu was one pedal driving. So in a state of panic, began pressing the GO pedal trying to stop the car.... and he didn’t figure it out until he was down the road and the Jeepster was gone.

I hope those geyser ok 

A quick Google says that they range from mildly alkaline to as acidic as a PH of 2 - which WILL melt your skin off eventually. Though for those, the 200F water will kill you first. Seems the highly acidic ones are the hot ones. So chances are, this one wasn’t particularly acidic.

That’s one hell of a car wash.  Really curious what the pH of the water is, not it matters too much as far as total damage to the car anyway.  It’s scrap.

He’s a sick fuck.  Period.  The end.

Sounds right, since he's a dickhead...

His beard looks like pubic hair.

One of the biggest failures of modern media is letting people like Musk (and Trump) just say things without challenging them on the obvious logistical issues, or pointing out that literally nothing they says is believable because they are almost always hilariously wrong.

Good god, putzing around with cybertruck and roadster and robotaxi while their volume products age in the face of new and better competition coming online each quarter.

“he believes there will be a million people living on Mars in 20 years”

He knows. That’s exactly what he wants.

His obsession with birth rates is about what it’s always been about: On a personal level, it’s about his own weird breeding fetish; on a business level, it’s about creating an endless supply of cheap labor; on a societal level, it’s pure Eugenics.

You gotta hand it to Elon, he's got a lot of spunk. 

Dear Elon;

When you “selectively breed” people, that’s called Eugenics.

it is such a shame that musk has consciously decided to be a cancer instead of a force for good.
fuck him. (well, please don’t. we don’t need anymore evil genes) 

There aren’t enough doubleyous for how Ewwwwwwwwwwww this is.

Don’t blame an elephant for being an elephant.

Circuses, evil?