The judge should have taken his license away for say one year per video posted of him ding outright reckless endangerment. His attitude towards his actions should lead to a social media ban as well.
The judge should have taken his license away for say one year per video posted of him ding outright reckless endangerment. His attitude towards his actions should lead to a social media ban as well.
Send it to the crusher!
Ah, like most things, the issue is so clear and easily solved (ban monetization of videos like these) but for some reason (greed) we’d rather just let these idiots get wealthy by dangerously disobeying agreed upon laws and norms.
This is what happens when you become ultra wealthy, surround yourself with cult followers and yes men, and emotionally/mentally detached from the real world, not thata he ever had a firm grip to begin with.
I was just gonna say “troll.”
I do not guide my posts by what is financially beneficial but what I believe is interesting or important or entertaining to the public.
Very few salmon survive the life from river to ocean, remember the young ones are eaten but everything in the oceans. On their journey back, they are fished and you have your local wildlife fishing, pollution, warm or too cold water. about 1 to 2 per thousand survive to reproduce again. To quote from the attached…
This guy sounds like he would do the bear minimum
Hello, fellow humans! My name is Mr. Realguy Notabear, and I am a professional salmon fisherman. I would like to volunteer my human services in removing the accidentally deposited lunch from this creek. I will use my large, clawed, human hands to swipe the fish out of the creek, then remove them professionally,…
Perhaps the Uvalde officers can help Ted through the airport.
I enjoyed The Takeout sometimes. There were yummy things and yummy recipes sometimes.
Don’t forget Al Franken’s oft-repeated “I like Ted Cruz more than most people like Ted Cruz, and I hate Ted Cruz.”
Absolutely. The other factor in this is that a faction of society has decided that being called on their bullshit= they are being persecuted. And sadly, not just random asshats--that’s basically the M.O. of most organized religion at this point.
And it seems to work.
This video is severely underrated here. I hope it gets credited up the whazoo!
Forget it Jake, it’s Kinjatown.
Third - it is unclear to me why the port authorities would not require escorting tug boats until through the bridge and around Fort Carroll.
Seeing as how cargo ships are now so much larger than they were back when bridges like these were constructed I think it would be a good idea to construct protective concrete extensions that protrude out and away from the supporting pillars. That way if a ship loses power it’ll hit that instead. And secondly, I find…
If I deliberately shoot at someone and miss, technically nobody has been harmed, but I’m still guilty of attempted murder. It’s insane that Republicans are trying to excuse fraud, an actual crime, because there’s “no victim.” That’s not how fraud works!