
Aah. The Howard the Duck guy. :) I assumed he was a filmmaker... :P *facepalm*

That sounds both intriguing AND frightening at the same time...

Yes, I know it was popular. I’m absolutely not denying that. :) I myself watched all of GoT (and liked the vast majority of it quite a bit), and there’s quite bit of gore and insane murder there too - it just felt like HoD was even more gore and insane murder merely for the sake of it, and I found that off-putting on

Ah, you lost me - I’ve no idea who Steve Gerber is, or what his particular style signifies, but your theory sounds interesting nevertheless. Maybe there’s a hole in my human culture knowledge that needs filling. Is there a particular movie by the guy that’s considered iconic, or otherwise significant that maybe I

Ratings? Again according to whom? As determined how?

There’s still room for their paths to cross. In superhero comic books and movies, literally anything can happen, and with both characters canonically being alive, it’s a near-certainty it’ll happen at some point. They’ll just want to give the actors a bit of a rest first, and whet the audiences’ appetites for more

I never liked any of the Guardians characters really, except for the original Gamora perhaps, because they were all dicks, and idiots, and I don’t like humor based around idiots being dicks being idiots. “Dumb and Dumber” for example was orgasm of stupidtude in my book, and there’s far too much shit like

So THAT’S how it happened!

One thing that curiouses me is, this is Starship going up empty, and it expends almost all its fuel reaching orbit velocity, up to just a few single digit percent remaining for the landing burns of respective vehicles. And from looking at the frost deposits on the hulls of the vehicles before liftoff, the fuel tanks

There was huge amounts of sparks coming from the heat tiled belly side of the Ship during the hottest, most intense part of the re-entry, visible well before the camera(s) got caked over with vaporized metal or whatever it was. A whole bunch of the sparking was clearly part of the fin melting away once that process

Elon isn’t for free speech tho, he’s for his own sort of speech, which is fascism. The number of people and organizations he’s banned for criticizing him or his companies and so on shows he doesn’t have the slightest interest in actual free speech.

Yes I know, I didn’t mean to make it sound as if they missed some sort of target and ended up in the ocean instead; I meant to say the Ship ALSO successfully landed in the ocean. :D

OK, it looks like Starship also touched down in the ocean, although it took a hell of a beating on the way down. :D

I deleted my facebonk a couple years ago now when Zuckercuck re-invited the Orange Menace back in again. Not missing a fucking thing, Zuckercuck can go fuck himself.

Sorry to partially disappoint; the Booster successfully landed in the ocean only a short while ago. (WHEEEEEE!!! What an amazing sight. :D)

What was? As measured how? According to whom? [Citation Needed]

Are those birds barfing her dress onto her, or what is that supposed to look like...?

People didn’t think of Bruce Willis as an action star either and look where that led...

Honestly, I couldn’t care less about this show. I watched the first couple episodes of season 1, they were gratuitous displays of gore and inhumanity and I felt no interest in watching any more of that. The show actually made me feel sick to my stomach, to be honest.

Jesus fucking christ. Everything you just said is shit you extrapolated from a video OF A STATIONARY VEHICLE. It’s not a natural test situation.