
Alexa had better be able to flawlessly recite from the Gray’s 2000-2050 Sports Almanac if Bezos is planning on charging money for it. Because that’s the only way he’ll be able to make anyone pay for that shit.

Madonna, age 21 going on 7o.

It’s possible to look away from disturbing imagery. Alt+F4 is also a handy hotkey to remember.

We’re talking about the generation that needs “emotional support animals” here... *rolleyes*

N0. This is a BAD product from the start, 390mg caffeine in one cup is just plain bad no matter from which way you look at it, it’s clearly unhealthy, and quite possibly downright dangerous. Doesn’t matter how many “charged” or other shit you put on the label.

Industry standard” != “reasonable”

Who we talking about here?

No. Blaming the customer for bad products is not OK.

It probably has value regardless, because likely it’s just a matter of replacing some capacitors in it and tweaking a few pots. A skilled person could service it up to good working order no problems. But, it’s your choice of course. :)

Yeah - but will they learn, with Tim Apple at the helm? No, I’d wager.

Same reason Apple chose to rip off Imagination Research and steal their GPU IP, re-naming it “Apple-developed” GPU IP, when Apple had had the chance to buy the entire company for the equivalent of pocket change for them.

AMD Duron... Wow. Those were the days! Never had one of those myself.

No I don’t, I’m not a mindreader. Why don’t you enlighten me?

Hopefully that person doesn’t end their tenure at the company by voluntarily stuffing themselves into an oven though... :P

You told a guy up there in the reply chain,

Ah, right. Yes, I’d forgotten all about those “multimedia kits”... omg lol Man, time flies eh?


Meh. Corporations get away with murder - literally - in the US every single day.

Hey, US corporations used to knock over entire governments in South America, Africa & middle east during the cold war. Of course, they got help by Uncle Sam’s military and those nice gents at the CIA to do it...

That’d be David Cameron, former Brit (Tory, of course!) PM... :P