
No; it’s appeal to authority fail because courts and judgments can be wrong, but you assume it is right because.

Nuclear explosions aren’t actually detonations as such though, as there’s no chemical reactions powering the bomb.

If it actually works by detonating the fuel it won’t scale very high, or it’ll blow the engine to pieces when you open up the throttle... :P

Appeal to authority fallacy fail.

If you look up “unintentionally hilarious” in a dictionary, I believe there’s a picture of that...thing up there right next to the entry in question.

Let’s not wind ourselves up completely out of all proportions here, ok? This guy isn’t some Lex Luthor-level criminal mastermind who’s going to bring an end to all civilization just because some text on the internet said he stole videos from Rockstar with an Amazon fire stick. The system he penetrated with the fire

The problem here isn’t Gizmodo’s postings about these matters, the problem is with you, and your “generally” not liking Musk.

Fragile Elon superfan detected.

Yes. I don’t want to see what today’s kids that have been raised by “content” on smart devices and social media like tickytocky instead of parents will be like, how they will function and behave as adults.

I’m thinking she got nervous after hordes of fanatic Elon superfans started lambasting her for daring to criticize the “techno-king” in any way.

It’s obvious Elon had his little minions hide away the D+ icon in a hissy-fit of pettyness and rage, because that’s how he has reacted in other instances when he or his companies have been criticized.

You’re getting your wish - just slowly.

If you have that facial hair at 13 - or, egads, less - you’re obviously a mutant.

He’s neither the richest nor the smartest in the world, though. ;)

“So now I, as a mom, get to deal with telling my toddlers we can’t watch Disney+ while in our Tesla and deal with their upset feelings because 2 grown men can’t have a civil discussion and move on.”

“Apple wanted controversial [for some snowflakes] anti-Trump statements removed, simply to ensure there would be sufficient time for ample self-congratulatory messages, thanking Apple and the film crew - so we did. There was no censorship. Apple has been so, so helpful.”

Or you could just STFU and stop crying about it. How about that, huh?

So what’ll it be - Warnermount, or Parabros?

You for real? You seriously believe a few mini satellites are going to grant China world domination? lol

No place for eatin, sleepin or poopin... But otherwise cool, yes. Love all the windows everywhere.