
Poland isn’t a nation who uses horse cavallry in an age of mechanized armies anymore - I would think they have the capacity, knowledge and means to maintain their trains in a safe manner.

I was at the “is this even real - unbelievable” stage with the cinnamon “challenge”, years and years ago already. And the detergent pods too (that shit can be pretty corrosive, nothing I would recommend anyone putting in their mouth, but you can’t stop the stupid from acting stupid it seems.)

Murrican far right retards like Muskrat go apeshit as soon as they feel foreigners aren’t respecting murica like they feel they should, so how about Muskrat respecting the rules and traditions of other nations? Too much to ask for, eh?!

Hahaha, yeah, not on your life.

Well, are you sure? A lot - if not all - of this stuff aggregates in your body’s fatty tissues (including organs like liver and central nervous system), and so does increasing damage over time. And sniffing the vent directly gives you a full potency hit of the stuff.

Wait an HOUR to do stuff even with biometrics? Why?

Kidnapping people over a PHONE? lol iPhones aren’t worth 25 to life in prison, man...

Quentin Tarantino partaking in his foot fetishing made me LOL. :)

Yes, logic dictates that’s what I should do.

Oh, it’s not the microplastics that is the danger with vent sniffing, it’s the aromatic organic compounds and any possible halogenic stuff (latter usually not present anymore in electronics from decent manufacturers, because you know, endochrine disruption, cancer, birth defects and stuff.)

So, how much stolen data have they trained this shit with then? Because it seems to be quite the wild wild west over there in the AI camp - and of course all the usual big money movers and shakers who predictably lose their shit over individuals pirating their stuff now claim using stealing other peoples’ stuff

Oh, I’m grey anyway so why not have some fun and poke those fragile, low IQ goobers where it hurts them? :)

Well, yes. Haven’t you heard Kellyanne Conway explain to you about alternative facts? Christ, you’ve had since 2017 to learn about it, sheesh!

lol When were these photos taken, 19-fucking-90? loooooollll

Not a legit use of said APIs (these “beeper” people are essentially doing a man in the middle attack on Apple’s service), and the procedure opens people up to having their Apple IDs invaded or hijacked. When you need to give up not just your account name, but also your password to a service in order for it to work,

Mehh. /care

And you think such a comparison is even remotely accurate? If then, the joke’s entirely on you, bub.

How I read the headline:

They see you as food though. Bit of a drawback, that one...

Fk yeah. Replacing culture with “content” is the goal of the far right.