
Quite the overkill device to make the occasional pool pass or garage parking card tho.

What legit use is there for a device like this in a free country?

What kind of services are they providing that warrants a double-digit “service fee” for purchasing a goddamn concert ticket?

Then they can ask themselves how nobody can afford to fucking buy anything anymore after everyone have been pushed into unemployment...

Solidarity strikes are definitely legal in my country, and we’re EU members. There are certain limitations that apply, but the same is true with strikes in general also.

Invalidate his driver’s license for life. That guy is clearly a dangerous, selfish motherfucker.

The bad apple(s) really do spoil the bunch, yes. :(

Hearing stories like these reminds me of when I first saw the movie “First Blood” in my early teens, and my thoughts of that petty, vindictive small-town cop who went out of his way to be a douchy dick for no reason.

There’s no overpopulation as such on the planet, just a misallocation/misuse of food and resources (IE a relatively few industrialized countries sucking up most resources for their own use, leaving the rest with little to nothing.)

lol Hydrogen car on the road... Money right down the drain. Not only are they built in tiny numbers, Toyota have to practically give those Mirais away just to get rid of them, that whole thing is pure fail from the get-go. Tesla alone builds more EVs roughly every two weeks than there have been Mirais built ever.

It feels antiquated because it is. :)

What’s happening with the market is called a “recession”. It’s temporary, it’ll go away. Unless, of course, there’s like, nuclear war or something in the near future.

Anti-EV gets the clicks clicking, and the comments boiling. Clicks and comments drive the ad sales. Ad sales = $$$. Pretty simple formula, really. :P

Puerto Rico is a part of the US, and not a colony. Also, I’m not Murrican.

They updated that one this past summer, so no.

The vast majority of the earth’s population contribute almost nothing to GW, as they subsist on very little on a daily basis. It’s the top billion people that are the problem (and Murricans in particular), not the bottom 7 billion.

Damn, those mothers are friggin huge some of them!

Deleted account and app and everything as soon as Zuck and Elon invited the fascists back in. They can go fuck themselves.

Unfortunately, humans suck at conserving our resources. We all remember Easter Island, right? They chopped down all the trees, until there were none left. We’re busy doing the same to the rest of the planet as well, and not just with the trees either.

It would be helpful if you produced even a single link to back up your assertions/of someone having their secure store smartphone biometrics captured by an aggressor, but ok, if you don’t wanna do it...