
These planes have telemetry data links an shit out the wazoo even if they’re stealthy, it feels weird if all that stuff was disabled right when the pilot manages to eject for some reason.


Moronic people without a clue “called it” decades ago already, here we are and zero evidence for any such links.

The transmitter signal strength is software programmable. IE, nothing to worry about.

No credible studies have shown any negative health effects whatsoever from microwave radiation at the frequencies and power levels used by cell phones, and certainly not brain cancer or dementia.

Entirely self-inflicted. Fears of the covid vaccine have been with extremely few exceptions completely irrational, and the known serious side-effects most likely never included her.

When did that fucktard moron ever have respectability? He’s been known as a complete idiot for...I don’t know how long. Just looking at the way he goes with his yelling and gesticulating and his stupid soundboard should tell anyone as much. Honestly I don’t know how he has a job staying on TV.

You’re missing the point. The meme is an allegory, it’s not meant to be taken literally as something which occurred in the auto industry. Jesus...

lol No you’re not. Anyone who starts off right away straight up lying about what they did until proven a liar with videos of their own actions mean a goddamn thing when they “apologize”.

I suspect classic Murrican land yachts of the 1950s up to the ‘80s were quite heavy as well.

Nectar-eating insects also need late-season flowering plants to prosper, so please plant some of those as well. :)

Putler is of marginal difference compared to Hitler, he is a totalitarian fascist who controls analogies to the SA, SS and Gestapo, as well as a Putlerjugend as well. Media are controlled by the state, schoolkids are being indoctrinated that dying for Mother Russia is a good thing. Wagner Group, the defacto

“Captain Falcon”... Hoo, the nostalgia! :) Speaking of nostalgia btw...

Looks to me like we’re getting free tickets to the premiere, all of us... :P

Wow, that’s awesome. I love that video. :D It’s so random, yet so genius.

Oh, she’ll cry about how she’s the actual victim, and how mean everyone was to her - and her cult followers will believe her.

Hah! SED. :D Did you see the episode where he quickly explains the principle of closed loop feedback servos using the neck and head of a hen? It was posted quite a few years ago now, so probably qualifies as “older stuff”...

When I see stuff like this in the news, now I always think of those far right lunatics who were screaming about their gas stoves being forcibly taken away from them (which was completely false too btw.) I don’t even understand why anyone would want a gas stove. Induction is far superior as a heat source and won’t

I can’t be certain of course, but it is a guess and firm belief of mine that when so-called sovereign citizens” are involved, police brutality is less likely to be a thing - anything that happens would rather be more accurately described as “self-afflicted”... :P

A commendably sensible attitude about things. Thank you for showing there’s still normal people here on this planet! :)