
A heads up that a "pregnancy crisis center" (Community Women's Center) is sharing ad space on this story.

Killmonger is basically just scaling up standard CIA practice — fomenting instability/revolution by arming and training dissenting forces within a given country, in the hopes that the new regime will be sympathetic/loyal. There’s nothing to suggest that Killmonger’s plans wouldn’t result in the same unforeseen

What this site has become is a fucking tragedy.

This doesn’t really address it, though. Your needs may vary under certain circumstances, but what Ryk E. Spoor is saying is that your sense of thirst may not adjust accordingly. Therefore, it’s actually bad advice to tell people to rely on their thirst to tell them what their needs are under all circumstances.

Say it loud for the people in the back — recognition of black exceptionalism does not equal racial tolerance. Lots of racists root for their integrated home teams, too.

Man, calling Margot Robbie a bad actor is some serious “I’m so above you sheeple” edgelord bullshit.

That’s really interesting. Leaving aside my personal tastes (which extend to actual originals, like “Bojack” and “GLOW,” and imported stuff like “3%”), I’d assumed that things like “Master of None” or early “Orange is the New Black” were pretty universally loved. Thanks for responding.

I honestly can’t speak to Netfilx original films, but I’m a little fascinated by your “especially,” which implies that you don’t have faith in their series. I know they throw a lot of spaghetti at the wall to attract as many demographics as possible, but I’ve found them to be generally good-to-fantastic (at least for

Yeah, yeah - but which “Becky” is she?

I was referring specifically to this:

You should probably watch the show before commenting on any of this. The historical Jesus (whether he existed or not) is irrelevant - the question is what people believe in and worship. That allows for a wider range of Jesii, but cultural imperialism practically requires that “core” Jesus be a white guy with dirty

Comcast is terrible to its customers, but this is a bad article. It ties a bad action (supporting the dissolution of its Title I status) to a totally reasonable action (defending its “good” name), with the hopes that we’ll see that as evidence that they’re behind the astroturfing. Fight for the Future is gathering

I like bike paths, but theyre absolutely never something that the local residents asked for and are almost always a way to attract new young professionals. So when you place bike lanes, youre taking away parking spots (which are generally used by nativeresidents in a developing neighborhood) and literally

Be... careful doing this, I guess. Spotify builds your DW playlist off the songs in your library and playlists, so you may not get as varied choices in the future if you blindly save every song in your current DW playlists.

Stare decisis isn’t a law, it’s just a principle of respecting established law. If RBG (83) and either Breyer (78) or Kennedy (80) retire or die, you have five ideological votes to overturn Obergefell once a new test case becomes available. Roberts is most likely to hold himself to stare decisis, but they don’t need