Kinja Kardashian

It's Lego even as a plural.

This unnatural pose objectifies men.

It would also help if people were actually considerate and went the speed limit. In Portland, some people constantly go ten miles under the speed limit, and it screws the rest of us up because so many people are changing lanes to get around them.

It's only misogynist because women are a minority within comic book fandom. As the medium attracts more women and values shift, their issues are acknowledged, not always adequately, but acknowledged nonetheless. Unfortunately, minority groups utilize victimization for empowerment and so often we see relatively


Right, no one has ever batted a lash at how men are depicted, but BOOM, it's a woman being portrayed and the PC Art police comes out swinging, non stop. All of sudden there's there's social and psychological triggers being set off. Really? How much mileage can we get from this one image alone? I'm sure my Facebook

You're comment interests me greatly. Men are too depicted with exaggerated features in comics, however it's always in an "empowering" sense for men (empowering is in quotes to allow for interpretation of that word).

Are you retarded? Read my comment. No one cares how men are depicted — impossible musculature, no groins, missing nipples, etc. — and no one bats an eye. But someone draws a woman with her ass sticking out and everybody is outraged.

How often has Apple actually claimed it invented something? The only time I've ever heard Apple use the word "invent" was when describing multi-touch in the original iPhone announcement. The rest of the time it's been fandroids putting words in their mouth.

the act of reclining not only makes it impossible for the person behind you to enjoy basic liberties like using their laptop, reading a book, and eating food, it's also painful for anyone within barking distance of six feet tall.

I hate anti-vaxxers. There's not much more I can say on the topic.

I work for an airline and travel on planes frequently. I'd say it's about half and half. Some people recline without hesitation, some people won't recline ever. Maybe they see it as a "pay it forward" kind of thing, where they are giving the person behind them more room. Maybe they just don't need or want to

Its funny how you expect everyone else to know your personal "common courtesy" and not use a feature they've paid for, but you've yet to mention (that I've seen) politely asking someone to unrecline. Lots of passive aggressive language about how you'll make them uncomfortable, but do you ever just explain and ask

Nope. I recline when I see fit and there's nothing you can do about it. I will, however, give you the courtesy of doing it slowly and will return upright during food service.

No, not really. An imaginary rule which applies to all of us but that only he "knows". He probably has a slew of other rules that only he "knows" for driving too.

I could go for Batman being less tricked-out one man S.W.A.T. Team and more urban Boogieman who some people aren't convinced even exists.

Not discounting the article but it is definitely the people who need to change.