Kinja Kardashian

Because, during the time of filming, men would be the ones in the role. How many female firefighters do you see? Besides, there were two strong female protagonists in the film.

Because it’s an unnecessary swing in the other direction. Regardless, this reboot is a product purely of financial decisions, not equality.

Stoping typing your words like a four year old.

As much as I love Casey, it's the cards he's using rather than the bodies he's blaming.

This is all very impressive, but what’s Sony’s service like? Canon’s Professional Services are a large part of why I shoot with them.

It's everyone else who's complaining.

Films featuring sentimental anthropomorphic transforming alien robots from the deep reaches of space, and yet people complain about the plot.

Going to have to disagree with you, Wes. Nothing beats Arcteryx.

I tried a pair of Boras on a few weeks ago and found them to be comfortable and very lightweight. Getting them on and off proved a bit cumbersome but practice would probably be required. My greatest concern was having the rubber upper crease across the toe box and jab the tops of my toes. Curious, Wes, if you found

He dislikes the spot because he’s old and feels left out.

This really bothers you because you're not so young anymore.

-1 for using the phrase "I can't even."

It isn’t entertainment, it’s a crowd. It only takes a few people to spread something banal before everyone participates simply to be a part of something. The Internet is one big case of FOMO.

Worth it.

A fancy place to kill hookers.

You couldn't be any more wrong if you tried. Open your eyes.

Believe me, it is you who lives in a fantasy. Reality is in front of you, my friend. Open your eyes.

I am, as you put it, a technical person.

