Kinja Kardashian

Chicago's a perfectly lovely city to visit, provided you avoid areas where black people live.

Sick burn.

Where's the shadow beneath that Black Hawk?

Further evidence runners are the worst people on the planet.

I just inadvertently paid Ashley Madison $19 to delete my account.

The water would most likely be a brownish green.

As if I needed another reason to not eat at Chili's.

App icon-looking TV pixel design = Apple TV getting the App Store.

Shut up, fatty.

Why does Apple need to fail in order for Microsoft or Google to succeed? I don't understand this myopic perspective.

Why? It tastes great.

Most craft beer labels are as shitty as the product contained within.

I highly recommend Arcteryx. I don't own the Alpha FL, but I do have the LT and a dozen other pieces.

One only need look at the 70's.

I love the short and chubby Stormtroopers at every convention.

Not a different scale of risk; they simply place a different value on life. Slavs are savages.

I, for one, look forward to the collapse of the neck beardification of beer. I don't take issue with craft beers, per se, though I am annoyed by the proliferation of unnecessarily complex, bitter beers shoved down our throats by these brewmasters sporting to out-hop one another.

I'm going to shove this article into anyone's face who dare criticize me as I nom half a bar of 70% Lindt.

He can often be found in the Barnes and Noble at the top of the Promenade at 3rd and Wilshire. So, yeah, probably not doing anything important.

The site is widely used by Hollywood, an industry not known for embracing change.