
Again, where are these damning comments I've made that suggest I'm a racist?

Hey Cletus - please provide evidence of my "disgusting, racist" post history.

That's 96 smart, rational people.

Your colleagues on the Gawker blog definitely do not share the same philosophy.

Actually, it really is that simple.

"Happens to the most non-criminal, non-resisting, non-weapon-holding folks. All. The. Time."

I hope you're not French. I thought it was tragically pathetic watching that unarmed police officer cower on the ground as he was executed on a public street.

I'm surprised you didn't label me a racist too!

I'm laughing at all of this too.

I don't expect the police to be perfect. They have an incredibly difficult job and it's not like they're the sharpest tools in the shed.

Quick tips on never being shot by a police officer in the US:

His "talent" is greatly overshadowed by his narcissistic douchebaggery and the absence of even a small particle from his now non-existent frontal lobe.

I'm making a video game called "Whack-A-Kanye." It's a game where little Kanye heads randomly pop up and you "whack" them with a weapon of choice. Players start out with a basic club, but as you earn more points from whacking little Kanye heads, you can buy more devastating clubbing instruments. Also, throughout the

He had an industrial Cheez Whiz machine installed in his palace

You're too liberal. We'll leave it at that. Unliberalize yourself, for the greater good.

I've tried, in earnest, to use SnapChat and I just can't. I don't get it. The entire UI paradigm fucks with my head and I can't even get past that aspect of it's awkwardness to ever imagine enjoying it or finding any redeemable qualities.

I wrote this original comment on a Gawker post regarding "women in tech:"

Gawker deleted my fucking post. You fascist pieces of shit deleted my post because it completely destroyed everything about this post. I can't ducking believe my post was full-on, completely deleted. Not left in the grey, but deleted.