
If you can’t teach yourself how to code, you have no business endeavoring to be a programmer.

Attention highschool and college students: STOP BEING FUCKING MORONS!

If they were wearing ratty sweatshirts, beanie caps, scarves and sporting lumbersexual beards this would have been hailed as a brilliant "artistic urban exploration." Since it's a few white guys with collared shirts, they're "bros."

"They?" How about my ex-girlfriend, who cheated on me? Here this story out...

I tip 20% every time, no matter what, unless it's just horrible, shit service, which seems to be extremely rare. In fact, I can't remember a single instance where I didn't tip 20%.

It must have been written by the same knucklehead that wrote this gem of a piece on The Vane, which was the worst thing I'd ever read prior to this article about not tipping.

I would say the drop kick to his back/neck is what did it, not the ropes. That was a brutal kick and it was dead-on (pun not intended).

This made for a good laugh on a Saturday morning.

Now playing

That's from Die Antwoord's "Zef Side" video and it's fucking batshit crazy good.

Now playing

That's from Die Antwoord's "Zef Side" video and it's fucking batshit crazy good.

That 1992 video of the Toyota TS010 is remarkable quality for the time.

Happy Friday!

"i dropped a plastic cup in times square once and it made a loud noise. i immediately got an assault rifle swung in my direction by a fully armed dude a few steps away (not actually trained on me, thankfully. guess he realized i wasn't a threat right away), then told to "hold onto your fucking shit, asshole." and

Perhaps your information is valuable which is why I would encourage learning to write using proper capitalization. Reading long bodies of text without proper capitalization is eye and brain torture. There's a reason capitalization and proper grammar have existed for centuries. Your lazy thumbs aren't going to change

When you learn to write within proper grammar and capitalization, I might take the time to read your dissertation. Until then, no thanks.

One of my fondest memories as a child was my grandparent's beautiful Bermuda grass. One of my least fondest memories as a teenager was having to mow my parents grass nearly twice a week during the hot Central Valley summers. One thing I miss dearly as an adult living in Chicago is having my own lawn.

I didn't know Kelly Thomas and Dillon Taylor were minorities. Cops shoot white people all the time but I guess we don't care about white people dying at the hands of the police because it doesn't make for good Gawker fodder.

We're up to 103 stars now. You better hurry up before I negatively influence any more people with my disgusting, racist comments.

I don't think you understand what a troll is. Trolls don't engage in ongoing conversation. Secondly, you claimed I'm a racist based on my "disgusting" and "racist" comment history here on Gawker. So for the benefit of everyone you claim to be benefiting, why don't you provide them with evidence of such "disgusting"