JFC. Conceal carry. Violent crime, except for these mass shootings, is way down. Most towns in the Old West didn’t allow people to carry within the town limits. What the hell, people? #masculinitysofragile
I’m staff in a law firm, and I’ve had an escape plan since 101 California.
I would bet Telemundo is preparing a miniseries right now.
Could we please have a Veronica Mars movie at least once every three years, pretty, pretty please?
Couldn’t find the scene I wanted. Had to settle for this one:
I’ve been using Andalou Naturals for quite a while. They soak in in about a couple of minutes.
I was using a Shea Moisture shampoo (and I have straight hair) that I really liked, then they discontinued it. The next one I bought gave me dandruff.
The question was did Harman think the guys thought her friend was a slut, not Harman.
My sister had a rule: draw blood and the kid is instantly weaned.
My older son would nurse for 1 1/2 hours on, 1 1/2 hours off. I started pumping just so I could load up some bottles and get some sleep. I even hacked the bottle nipples so they let the milk through faster, because fuck those guidelines, I needed sleep. By the time he developed an allergy at 2 1/2 months I was more…
No, the cops don’t choose to bring charges. That’s up to the DA. The cops are supposed to take a report and make an arrest. That’s the whole fucking problem. Cops are acting as though they have the right to pick and choose.
My one hope in all of this is that those who couldn’t be arsed to vote, will finally realize they have to.
Sounds like my grandmother, except she was able to stick to two kids. She was a decent mother, not awesome, but I think my mother was so different from her that they would never have gotten along. Unfortunately, my mother and her twin, my uncle, have gone completely religious culty and wiped out any notions of family.
A government so small they fit in your uterus.