I knew a lot of men were insecure, but until the internet became popular, I didn’t realize just how many of them there are and how angry they can get.
I knew a lot of men were insecure, but until the internet became popular, I didn’t realize just how many of them there are and how angry they can get.
Kinja’d. Anyway, Vicky heads off to wrangle the kids, I go back to setting up.
Karma is a bitch. My nose was accidentally broken by my stepson. He was swinging an old school Vans shoe on his finger, and it flew off and hit me in the nose. Every broken bone I’ve had has been a freak accident.
When Alba was starting the company, the legal team sent a cease and desist letter to Honest Toddler over the use of "honest." At that point, I decided to never buy anything from The Honest Co.
He went to an unaccredited, third tier toilet law school. He apparently got his job based on his look and willingness to spend his life rimming Trump.
Girl scout camp in the late 60s. Two weeks sleeping in the open-no tents-on cots. Minimal anything to do but deal with hot, dry Sierra Nevada dusty weather.
My stepdad raised me. I had two half-sisters. I was the only one interested in mechanics, so I was the one handing my dad tools when he worked on the car. I could fit my arms and myself places adult men couldn’t, so I started doing stuff my self under his direction. I would rather spend an entire day getting covered…
As a mom, I can tell you that you have probably adjusted to the smell, to some extent, but, also, your own children’s poop is usually not as offensive to you as it is to other people. Please bag it up. Even a little smell is annoying.
What you want is to run a business, but you don’t want to deal with the requirements of running a business. Businesses have to be licensed; they have regulations; they have to pay taxes. It sounds like you don’t want to be a responsible business owner.
I love Teen Wolf, but I save up the episodes and marathon the crazy, so I haven’t watched any of this season yet.
Why would sex workers oppose legalization? I can see some of them opposing it, pretty much any career contains people that don’t want the law involved in their business, but legalization helps protect the workers and the consumers.
I lived in a county in Nevada with legal prostitution. It was much better for everyone.
My guess is that most of them are completely shitty at sex, so the only time they can get it is when she’s unconscious.
I’m sorry. This completely and utterly sucks, and now I hate all men, not just most of them.
He was trophy hunting. That head was going up on his wall, or the skin on his floor.
Anyone who eats, even vegans, is involved in the slaughter of animals. Ground-nesting birds and small animals are killed, especially during harvest. Unless you raise your food yourself, we all have unclean hands.
I would have been less angry if he had been sent into the wild, wearing only a loincloth, and carrying a basic bow with wooden arrows. He would have earned that lion, if he lived. He probably wouldn’t have lived, and that would make me happy.
I’ve been watching Golan the Insatiable, and I crack up every time the mayor appears, because he almost always says, “Minnesota nice.”