
He doesn’t want them to like it, He’s getting off on their fear.

And it wasn’t just with adults. We’ve been hearing from former child stars for YEARS (who are all too afraid to name names) that many of these men would do the same thing to little kids.

It’s too bad the AV Club hasn’t had an article about the video Evan Rachel Wood posted. I think it’s probably one of the best commentaries on this whole mess I’ve seen to date.

The really horrifying thing is, this has been going on since the dawn of Hollywood.

Look at all those actors and actresses, back in the day, who were bound to such ridiculously tight contracts... they were basically slaves; living pretty much in and around the studios, doing whatever crappy movies they were

Seems like it would faster to name the people he hasn’t sexually harassed or assaulted.

Weinstein is proving to be absolutely repulsive.

Fucking hell, at this point it’s like “Of course he did”. And yet, god, imagine working up the nerve to finally speak out about this only to have it disappear into a tsunami of other people telling about the same shit that happened to them.

They should also look into having Canadian cops not drop off First Nations people in the wilderness during winter to die. Look up “starlight tours” if you don’t know what I mean.

Giving reparations is a good start, so long as it’s understood that (a) money cannot possibly make up for the lives and generations forever altered by what the reparations are supposed to make up for, and (b) only throwing money at the issue will do nothing by itself. There has to be further involvement and engagement

Blame also lies on the Catholic Church, who were the ones that came up with those ideas. It’s a shame that religion held so much power in the past.

I remember when Clinton presented a survivor of the Tuskegee Experiment with $20K.

Canada and the US literally could not afford to adequately pay reparations to the people they’ve damaged. Just let that sink in. They did so much damage and exploited them for so damn much that they can’t afford to come even close to covering the damage.

$50k to destroy your people.

She didn’t “sit” on any info. It wasn’t her story to tell. If Patricia Arquette wanted it out there she’d either have done it herself or said, “tell the world, Jane.” Jane Fonda did nothing wrong by keeping a friend’s confidence.

You’d be hard pressed to find any reasonable person who would disagree with that point. But still.

The venom you’re spewing here is right in line with my expectations, that there would be an eruption of gleeful outrage directed at Fonda particularly because she has been a popular punching bag for so long. (And also is

Regardless of my stance on Fonda, I can’t fault her for this. It’s not her place to come forward for someone else.

I’m no Fonda fan, but have to give her a pass on this one. If the victim herself won’t come forward then what exactly was she supposed to do? Running around making public pronouncements about Weinstein based upon hearsay is a surefire way to find yourself in court. The best she could do is to stay away from the guy

Ross Douthat is a jackass. I’m not exactly pro-cheating on your wife, but cheating is not the start some slippery slope down to rape.

I mean, I don’t think she’s all there.

He raped a ton of women but at the same time had interests other than rape. Truly a man of contrasts.