New Year, New Friends, & New Me

CROWLEY: What did he say to get them all worked up?
AZIRAPHALE: He said, “Be kind to one another.”
CROWLEY: That’ll do it.

Clicked this thinking it would be a breakdown of a strategy to beat him, not literal. For all those bemoaning others for complaining about spoilers when they didn’t get around to watching the episode: IT HASN’T AIRED YET FOR MOST OF THE COUNTRY

“Maybe I’ve gone a bit far, but look at the positive side: This will help him clean his teeth,” Red said in the video. “I think he hasn’t cleaned them since he became poor.”

Hey, if she just converts the shipping company to slave-labor massage parlors, she can invite Robert Kraft and everything will be peachy.

Not enough people talk about LeBron. Thanks. 

It was natural until he got hip-checked, man. You fucked up in that you listened to Jeff Van Gundy and decided to run with it.

By the time we get to the second debates it’s gonna be whittled down to 10 or so.

Case in point voters don’t like hard truths:

When Wallace asked her to be nice she should have said, “Polite? Like...” and rattled off a list of horrendous things FN people have said about her, women, immigrants, minorities, liberals, democrats.

Love it.

I said this on the Gizmodo article, but it bears repeating: Only a size-obsessed narcissist like Trump would think “short” is a devastating insult. He gives away his own insecurities in a hundred little projections.

Poor widdle Donny is upset that he can’t watch Fox News in the UK

They should start calling it “lactosing the intolerant”.

I mean, compared to all the rest of the criminal acts and corruption, it really isn’t a “big deal”, if you think about it. It’s petty and stupid, but that’s Trump. If anything we should be far more concerned with the active harm he’s doing all over - but, hey, maybe Republicans will at least pretend to care about this

Please don’t feed the obvious troll. Mr Khan was born, raised, educated, and has lived and worked in Britain all his life. He as British as anyone, and anyone who says differently is an ignorant bigot.

I saw a lot of commentary about how Karine is about that life but very little about the fact that dude could have killed them all. They didn’t know what his intent was and we live in an age of mass shootings - there was JUST another one in Virginia Beach.

What does British mean? Please inform us.

@AMJoyShow is having a discussion about many of the elements of this incident this morning.

Trump and his third wife, Melania...