New Year, New Friends, & New Me

Then maybe this racist bitch shouldn’t be renting out rooms (in a place she’s possibly renting her damn self) Because expecting guests to keep to 9 to 5 hours on Friday when they’re visiting a town known for the amount of clubs available is unreasonable.

They did get her on video calling them monkies. It’s the second instagram video. Click on the right arrow.

They’re in New York not Mayberry what wouldn’t you expect someone coming in town for the weekend to do precisely that... Isn’t that exactly what you’re signing up for when you rent out part of your house on Airbnb. When I live in New York, between midnight and 1 am is when I would go out for the evening.

Yes! Support legitimate hotels and their staff. Why is anyone surprised when people mostly looking to earn money under the table, in other words evade taxes, are antisocial in other ways too?

Felt entitled? To what? They said music was fine, then complained after they started playing it (at which point they turned it off). They talked (how dare they!) and then the complained more. “noise was not a problem” they said.

Ah and a racist too.

How many more of these do we have to have before we do something?

Now playing

They’re just being hysterical from those front clasping bras.

This is what happens when you allow women-folk the right to develop policy.

I’m so sick and tired of reading about yet another mass shooting in the US what feels like every other day, at this point. Screw your thoughts and prayers, just pretend to care about your citizens. Or, I dunno, revolutionary thought: actually do care about your citizens.

Trolling is more effective when you don’t say stupid shit like “per capital.”

Or it’s Saturday morning and half the country is still asleep, and the rest are getting ready to do things or doing them?

When Pritzker was elected, there was a lot of hand wringing in Illinois about electing a centrist billionaire Democrat to the governorship.

Yay for public policy not bathed in hidebound gibberish that persecutes women, while insisting it cares about ‘all’ life and person-hood. Cast these MAGA christofascists from the halls of democracy once and for all!

These big government states like Missouri, Alabama, and Georgia really need to get on the small government bandwagon.  Personal freedom is important, so be sure and vote democratic! 

Thank you for delivering some good news!

This is what happens when you allow women-folk the right to develop policy.

(Before you complain, this is /S)

I won’t even travel across a king size bed for sex. You roll to me. 

I won’t travel for sex, but I WILL travel for food. Especially candy. Why, yes, my relatives have stopped asking why I am single.

Drake just wants to play, man.