New Year, New Friends, & New Me

Peanut butter on toast. Sprinkle some cinnamon, or cinnamon sugar on top.

I’ve been banned from twitter for voicing my conservative policies!”

Peanut butter and fluff. Then you can also feel superior to everyone, because you are Boston.

Why not with *cheese?

1. Chemitrails and dead kid crisis actor loon

Peanut butter, honey, and banana on grainy, crusty, toasted whole wheat. I rest my case.

Plain Cheerios, with stirred peanut butter and milk taste great.

Ah, a Laura Ingraham article! As always, it must be noted that Laura Ingraham presented a Sieg Heil to Donald Trump at the 2016 RNC.

I love it when racist extremist bigots are censored and conservatives without a hint of self-awareness whine about conservatives being censored.’s like watching a train-wreck, only for the conductor to wipe the engine, cars, and tracks off the map to cover over his foolishness.

Paul Manafort used to live in a multimillion-dollar condo in Trump Tower, but now he lives in prison.

It's a troll. It usually attacks in other pieces on Splinter.  

Contrary to what you’re saying - as you speak over a woman about the political system in her state on an article about abortion - we have a different kind of primary that isn’t a primary in the sense that people assume. This primary doesn’t operate the way you think it does, as evidenced in your reply to me, which I

If the only alternative is an anti-abortion Republican, how can you even pretend to care about LGBT rights, income inequality, voter suppression, torture, racism, etc etc ad infinitum?

It’s you hairsplitting motherfuckers that got us here in the first place. Next time, try to do something more productive than annoy absolutely everyone.

Anyone who says “vote blue no matter who” simply does not care about people who might want or need an abortion.”

Hey, whatever mental gymnastics we gotta do to shit on Hillary in the comments for an article that has *checks notes* literally zero percent to do with her.

First we have to vote the Republicans out.  Then we can focus on cleaning our own house.  THEN we can finally worry about helping people.

When the alternative is a virulent pro-birther, bigoted asshole, then what?