New Year, New Friends, & New Me

would have to smoke about $2,500 of marijuana a year

“We’re Republicans who hate Donald Trump! We want him gone!

Did they release the full report to the house yet, or are we acting like thats not a thing?

“What’s this cuck bullshit?”

I thought the GOP liked to kill forests just based on principle. 

Well, let’s focus on all her achomlishments that aren’t “being John McCain’s daughter”. So there’s…

The dead guy should be put to death? It’s like you’re not even trying anymore. 

But Jill Stein will!

I wish a reporter would ask him about this contradiction in thought. They won’t because overall they suck.

It’s almost awe inspiring how he can construct a sentence that contradicts itself multiples of times.

yeah, i don’t get that either

The collective IQ of Splinter just dropped reading Mr. Trump’s quote.

Maybe it’s Bud Light and it’s both piss and beer.

“Leave my dad out of presidential politics!” ~ Tugboat Meghan McCain

Megan’s mad that the US Navy is profiting off her family’s name.

On one of his other alts, he wished that I would become a victim of police brutality. So yeah, this is his usual act.

And now the troll impersonating you is spamming me with the same pic.

Or he could just say what he plainly believes and not be so chickenshit. If he believes impeachment will backfire and help Trump, say so. If he thinks he should be impeached, he should say so. He doesn’t need to be given a pat on the back for mealy-mouthing his thoughts on something that’s obviously pretty important