New Year, New Friends, & New Me

I think the complaint is that Splinter is putting the blame on the famous Democrats and not the ones who are actually responsible. “Fuck Chuck Schumer” articles will get more clicks than “Fuck Catherine Cortez Masto."

This comment should also be filed to METAPOST.

I like to imagine Arnheim emailing this person back and pointing out the rhetorical fallacies in their emails.

Obviously that short summary of Bernie’s stance in the Elizabeth Warren impeachment article is equivalent to this. Strange that I couldn't find the equivalent article to this that You. Yes, you. claims is so easy to find. 

Sometimes I have people unstar my comments because Kinja doesn’t show that they already starred it. It’s devastating.

He thinks they’re his biggest supporters. To him there’s nothing suspicious about accounts retweeting and liking only his tweets.

I'm just waiting for a reanimated Hodor to show up.

Good comment. The Pepe Silvia meme is always a winner.

I was just about to ask why it took you so long to dismiss people. 

I guess you aren’t gonna give up this schtick. You’re committed, I’ll give you that.

It took me awhile to ponder on it, but I think I figured out some more clues you give. I’ll give you the photoshop defense as easy to manipulate, even though we both know that’s not what I did.

Just keep doing what you’re doing.

Haven’t posted from this account for awhile now. I know you’re still using it to star posts and then unstar them a few days later though.

So Krueger recommend a comment calling out your stupidity in the morning. Now she recommended one of your parody accounts. I’m actually impressed, Tomato.


You're Littlefinger.

Do something about the trolls? 

Multiple wives, fucks his daughters, gives up sons to protect himself, helping to bring on a long winter, and doesn’t care about those south of the wall.

Trump is Craster.