New Year, New Friends, & New Me

Never heard of him.


It's basically "Democrats elected a black President therefore Republicans aren't racist."

“Watching and listening to this Democrat field kowtow to Al Sharpton makes it seem like America didn’t even elect and then re-elect its first black president,”

Yes, yes, and I feel the same sometimes.

Dismissing like Baracka does. I could swear you were the same person.

An empty chair?

Someone put him on Trump!

I was just looking at that article not long ago. Holy shit! You and Sip got some crazy stuff coming at you.

“Democrats gonna Republican.”

Goddamn neoliberal shills. Am I doing this right?

some newspaper column he wrote decades ago”

A farmer leveraged to the hilt”

Obviously they're not properly raking their fields.

BrotherGumby sure is popular.


Hey David, you probably won't see this. I don't venture to Jalopnik very often. Not a big car guy, but I'm a manual only millennial. I'm obsessed with your Jeep obsession.

This is a great reason why you should support whoever the Democratic Presidential candidate ends up being.

Hey, that was a good one.

“I should’ve have expected you act in good faith.”