
Gotta save money, gotta *raise* taxes. Because no matter how much we “save” it seems to disappear into the pockets of businesses and the politicians they own.

Because you have to “save” money here so you can waste it over there, then complain about how taxes have to go up because despite your amazing efforts at “saving” money, you somehow still ran out and it’s just a fact that you need more. If you question it, you’re not a true American. True Americans fork over all their

Can’t tell if this is a joke or more full blown AIDS from Jezebel. I’m guessing the latter.

Those girls are ugly anyhow. Yuck. That guy could have picked up a Brazilian hooker for a few bucks who would have been a super model compared to those pear bottom, chunky leg Sasquatches.

“with the brunt of the racially based criticism 4 years ago”

Salty? Are you an 11 year old boy or games too much or a 30 something man child who games too much?

Boo-hoo, so don’t read it. People need to stop acting like what is written online is somehow being forced into their brains. Like someone is going around and holding these people in front of Twitter and FB feeds while taping their eyelids open or something.

We’re about five years away from having only two things being legal in this county: paying taxes and keeping your mouth shut.

It’s called bullshit people. And you’re falling for it.

Why not? Muslims aren’t allowed to eat pork, there’s not rule that they can’t watch someone eat pork. And Islam is cancer anyhow so who cares.

Fuck them. The music industry is minuscule. They should not be dictating laws that benefit only them which affect everyone and industries that are hundreds of times bigger than they are.

And? What’s her stint at Reddit got to do with the scam she tried to pull and the scams her husband pulled?

Eh, so what. That has nothing to do with her attempt to run a sexual harassment scam to make money to help pay off the debts her con artist husband racked up. She probably knew exactly why she was being hired at Reddit and did it because she wanted the cash. Her husband also pulled a couple of similar scams although

Ellen Pao(right in the kisser) is that toxic culture.

“Here’s why not to buy a Lexus” - Get fucked, they’re still the best built cars on the road on average.

How can the valuation of a private company be considered part of your net worth? The valuation doesn’t mean that money exists, that’s just what the company would be worth if someone paid for 100% of it at the value that the most recent stock was purchased. It’s hypothetical. If I get someone to pay $100 for one share

Here’s a 50" screen to simulate a window for when you want to glance to your side. As for what you’ll be looking at the other 3 hours and 45 minutes of your trip, here’s a shitty 7" screen to watch movies on.

They look like twins. Can hardly tell which one is which.

Virginia is awful. One of the most corrupt and regressive states in the country. It’s just a matter of time before it’s giving New Jersey and Mississippi a run for their money.

Nobody knows nor cares who these people are. Fuck you Gizmodo.