Don’t act like Gawker doesn’t deserve it. Nick Denton is an arrogant, opportunist prick who cares about nothing but his ego and bank account.
Don’t act like Gawker doesn’t deserve it. Nick Denton is an arrogant, opportunist prick who cares about nothing but his ego and bank account.
Let’s hope so.
That describes pretty much every glamorized industry. From fashion, to entertainment, to every industry with a big startup scene.
Realistic and plausible? LOL. No, there is very little which is realistic or plausible about this show, least of all the whole “devastating yet miraculously surmountable setback per episode” thing.
It is following a traditional underdog arc. They’re just stretching out the arc to an absurd degree. Seems like they just don’t have any real ideas as to where to take the story so they just toss in a bunch of disasters to keep the story in the roughly the same place, then try to cover that up with a bunch of ho-hum…
Meh. Between the bizarrely few number of episodes per season and the unnecessarily drawn out story arc where they try and make up the lack of progress or character development with lots of hit n’ miss jokes, I just can’t get excited about this show. If they’re going to go for a drip feed story line, they need to be…
She doesn’t even look black. Sounds like she’s just whining.
“At least when the Pentagon spends its money, we usually end up with an actual, tangible aircraft that serves a purpose.”
The B-1 never fulfilled it’s intended purpose, there’s no reason to replace it with anything.
No, we don’t need long range, stealth bombers designed to fight the Soviet Union. The biggest threat is from dirt farmers with improvised weapons.
There’s a thousand other ways it could be spent that would create good paying American jobs AND provide some actual benefit to the American people. Defense contractor projects only benefit the thousands of people who work on it and a few rich people who run and own the companies. That’s nothing.
China’s economy is slowing down and most of the remaining “growth” is manipulation or fueled by government loans which will never be paid back. They’re sitting on several bubbles and it’s just a matter of time before they do what Japan did in the early 90s. Also, China wouldn’t have the resources to fight a war with…
One company, hiring a handful of people, only until they can replace them. Yeah, “they” were totally wrong.
“But you see how people can twist any old thing to support their fucked-up values.” - Yeah, you’re a perfect example of that.
Nobody of any consequence cares and nobody who does care has a rational argument as to why it matters today. Worship your religion of guilt if you want but the rest of us aren’t falling for it.
It amazes me that people still don’t understand that racism is about intent. A white person portraying a black person by using makeup to look black isn’t racist unless that’s the intent. It’s not inherently racist to try and look like someone or something.
Why? Will you feel bad on behalf of all black people everywhere or something? What a hero.
Nobody cares what some idiot in a bow tie thinks. Blackface was a very specific thing and it was all about intent. If the intent isn’t to be racist, it’s not racist, period. Your PC opinions don’t dictate what the rest of us can and can’t do.
And who made you the arbiter of when it is and isn’t allowed to use makeup to appear black? Right, nobody.
Nobody cares about the historical context of blackface. It’s 2016, it doesn’t apply anymore. Intent is what matters, not what some race card playing whiner thinks.