
It’s too late. Writing this comment is the first time I’ve been able to look away in hours. (But seriously, that dick makes me feel things).

I figured out that half the picture was not being shown on my phone (a consistent Gawker issue for me). Went to his actual Instagram and saw.

I see all the hashtags but what exactly am I looking at in the picture?

Let's talk more about this, shall we?

That’s what he’s calling out, though. He’s saying that white people think they are superior by virtue of being white and yet-their skin color is the result of their totally random placement geographically throughout history. Meaning, “hey, white people, you think you’re better because you’re white and it allows you to

I'm guessing you don't internet much...

God, why is his head so big in that picture?

I think you need to recognize that the “meme” isn’t clumsy; your understanding of what it’s saying is. Have you explored that possibility? You’ve attributed a meaning to it that is ill-formed, incorrect and not widely held. This should give you pause about your understanding. This is not a situation where everyone

Good luck creating that sliding scale. I can’t agree with you, though. Fair trials are a right afforded by the Constitution. If we’re going to bother to adhere to it for anyone, we need to bother adhering to it for everyone. Otherwise, there’s no point bothering at all. Whether we can, via resources or human error, is

That the trial was shoddy matters the most. Sorry to sound cliché but when it comes to the law, we cannot allow the ends to justify the means. I am also sorry for Hae’s family but even if Adnan is guilty, he deserves a trial fairer than the one he got, especially since our understanding of technology has changed in

He didn’t just know she existed, he knew that she was dead before the authorities and then said nothing. He rode the media wave as long and hard as he could while he could, though.

Your bald baby sounds weird.

I don’t understand why that scene wasn’t followed by Paige killing herself. Because that’s how that would have worked out in my house.

I read that and while not Jewish, I’m also uncomfortable with it. To be honest, were he not Jewish, I would still be uncomfortable with it. His nose doesn’t have anything to do with his shit behavior. I don’t care where he’s from or how acceptable this particular cheap joke is in specific geographical areas.

How dare these people have FEELINGS about their ancestors?! I mean, Jesus, what are they, human?!?!

I was pretty sure she left a living husband to be with DJ. Was that man not the father of her child?

That whole town is a memorial. One that makes me want to hang people for the whole month of October.

Call me a baby but the idea of that AP taking charge like that makes me a little teary eyed. I just imagine her being so enraged and then going on this badass mission to right some wrongs and I find myself a bit verklempt.

It took a lot of self restraint for me not to throw my phone at the tv. I like to imagine Kirsten Dunst plastered a smile on her face while saying, through barely moving lips, “you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

Experience level? What the fuck is that nonsense? I’m a goddamn attorney, Kasich. Short of my disappearing from work for like, 100 years, I’m not going to forget how to be one. And I do not work in the only profession where this tripe you’re talking would be irrelevant. But on that note, I also can’t be an attorney