
Well, look at that. We knew it was coming. Even women models are too curvy to model women’s clothes now. They’ve been pushing “teenage boy” bodies for so long and have finally gotten the courage to skip the middle (wo)man altogether. Kudos LV.

This article makes me feel like I’m 87 years old.

Wait, thee Michael Jackson would prank call Russell Crowe? Like, for shits and giggles?

My father is not in line for the throne and he hasn’t changed my child’s diaper. I’m not sure about statistics but short of being a caretaker for a grandchild, I really doubt too many grandpas, particularly those who do not live with the grandchild, have changed said grandchild’s diapers. And yes, I recognize this man

It's not.

Oh, wow. I am showing my age, I guess. DVRd just doesn't have that same ring to it.

I see. I was confused as I only knew the one bald guy to be dead. But I just assumed she had watched it all and wouldn't be tuning in this next season.

Re: the bald guy-the one who died in the car is still alive? Uh, what?

My husband and I taped Fargo every week and watched it Tuesday nights and when we would fast forward through commercials, we’d see the amount of time left and we would get depressed if there was less than 30 minutes left.

Evidence is tossed all the time for a variety of reasons. It doesn’t mean anything nefarious. And there was plenty of solid evidence that was very damning for him (his car locations, for example). You’re delusional and uniformed. You can keep repeating your lies. Doesn’t make them true. Bye.

The word is shoddy. And no it wasn’t. Really consistent accounts across all victims, who did not know each other, is hardly shoddy evidence.

Right. You’re just horny as all get out. Hell, that’s probably why he said this. I mean, I for one was like “damn, the fella’s not home? Is the mailman available? Do I hear a FedEx truck coming? That guy’ll do.”

She should absolutely not withhold anything. I agree. That's not a cool way to handle it at all. But there is something to be said for a parent reminding their children about how much they, as parents, do for them, as children. Hopefully, if that kind of conversation happens, a little perspective will hit this kid on

Okay. If she were 14, 15, whatever, I would still expect her to return her mother’s call. She’s old enough to know better. That’s my point. The number is irrelevant. Plenty of 18 year olds are adult enough to call their mother once a week, amongst other things.

ORRRRR...just call your fucking mother once a week. Christ, you don’t need to be her best friend but throw her a goddamn bone. You’re an adult. I don’t care how independent you are or how you’re trying to be amazing at all the breaking away you’re trying to do. Recognize that you wouldn’t be doing any of this awesome

Kate Winslet did not enjoy the success of Titanic.

It’s funny how I have not experienced the “if I’m not trying, I can’t fail" situation and yet I absolutely understand how a person could take that approach. Because, man, the failure every month-it guts you. Even pretending I don't care would be better than this. Thanks for the well wishes.

I think I understand what you’re saying. My first kid was planned and very much wanted. However, this second time around, I’m getting fertility treatment and as you know, not much of treatment isn’t unpleasant. So there is a part of me that is insanely jealous of women who get pregnant (with a wanted child)

I’m so happy that pleases you. Mission: accomplished.

In this very comment section, people are writing about how she is probably more educated in business than a person with an actual business degree. That she has more “real-life” business experience than people who studied business. These are the “most lucrative years of her life,” they say. People are delusionally