
Do you mean the cord or the stump?

I have to agree with you for a couple reasons. First of all, the baby is inside a heated building so the temperature of New York is irrelevant. Second of all, all babies are different. My child nursed within minutes of birth and then barely ate a thing for 12 hours. I was told by several nurses not to worry because my

I don’t see how anonymously leaving a child in a warm, safe building where it was technically legal to leave him is trying to make the news. If anything, she seemed to be trying to avoid human interaction altogether.

Fuck all this other shit. I need a wall of donuts in my life. Can I marry that wall of donuts?

First of all, I don’t keep saying it. I said it once. And I meant that most lawyers don’t send a letter to the media before the intended defendant gets the demand letter. I didn’t say that was illegal. It’s shady. Happy? I know how settlements work. I wasn’t commenting on what was legal. I was commenting on the method

A rare occurrence around here, surely.

Gee, whatever would I do if you hadn’t shed light on this for me?

It’ll be interesting to see how it pans out, assuming it gets much traction.

Fair enough. But the leaking part of the demand element is what I find sketchy. I’m sorry that wasn’t clear but that’s what I meant. Maybe it’s the wording and the fact that it won’t happen (which, they know) plus the media aspect that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. And I say that absolutely believing they have a

I mean, you’re basically saying what I said. It’s the media “or else” aspect of it I have issue with. I’m not saying they can’t do what they’re doing; I’m saying it’s not productive. Not when suing a city and a school district. Doing it this way is counterproductive. Are we supposed to believe they will be waiting for

Thanks for being straight with me. It's sort of refreshing around here.

Look, I don’t know how to read your comment because tone is lost in comment sections. So I’ll just say my JD and bar card assure me I know how it all works. And I stand by my assertion that this is not how you negotiate a settlement. It’s a waste of time. I don’t fault them for using the media but I side eye the whole

I’m sorry the point went over your head. I used ransom because of the strict timeline and the threat to do something unless they get what they want and using the media to draw attention to their cause to get that thing they want. Of course, that should have been obvious but you’re clearly feeling argumentative.

I'm aware how it all works, thanks. But this is not generally how it's done. And also, it won't work. It can't work. A city wouldn't even entertain it. It's silly.

An attorney for the Mohamed family promised [to] take civil action if their money and apologies don’t show up within 60 days.

Sometimes I need articles like these to remind me how lucky I am to live in the part of the country I do. In MA, we have arguably some of the best hospitals to give birth in in the nation and everyone of them employs CNMs. I’ve never even heard of people not using CNMs when opting for midwife assisted birth. I wonder

Even better, many hospital actually employ midwife teams. The idea that midwife means home birth is outdated.

So, it’s just the stoning you’re not okay with? The systematic rape of young boys and girls and the subsequent cover up by the Catholic Church is cool with you? Granted, I’m not too educated on Catholicism but I’m certain they are Christians and they were right here on American soil raping children.

I think your take is mostly true. I’m very freckly and get even more freckly come summer. And while my non-freckly friends and family members might get a few in the sun, it is nothing like my experience (or the “experience” of the girl in the picture above).

There is no grammar mistake in my sentence. You just made a different sentence.