Wow! Nothing gets passed you!
Wow! Nothing gets passed you!
Hey, FYI-you're bad at this.
She talks about grace and how Trump lacks it. She’s got it. She’s got it in abundance.
I don’t remember his mother ever commenting on that “controversy.” And my understanding is that the two women are actually quite close.
Fix her name, already and then recognize who she is. She isn’t some unknown. You go out of your way to mention Kate Winslet, who isn’t even part of the story.
Jesus Christ, that’s a gorgeous head of hair. I wouldn’t do fuck all to mess it up. Fuck that coach.
Since I was named after her, I feel compelled to correct you-it’s Hayley Mills. Her performance was adorable but nothing beats Maureen O’Hara in that film.
I don’t care what grade level he reads at, he’s an asshole rapist.
I’m going to nitpick-the doctor did not deliver the baby; the mother did. The doctor, if anything, caught the baby.
It was nice of you to provide a genuine answer to an undoubtedly judgmental question.
Vern was so talented and unlike Doug, actually seemed to want to please the homeowners. I would hire him in a heartbeat.
Just did this last week (also a secondary infertility case). Get tested next Monday and feel awful for not feeling positive about my chances. I want to be hopeful but after a year and a half of nope, I just can’t muster much. I will say-I’ve become fascinated by my ability to be elated for pregnant friends (and even…
I don’t deny that she had a breakdown but when your options are: quit my job where I feel like I’m being overworked or kill the children, you quit your job. The same article you cite mentioned she was paid well by the family. If you ask for more money and your employer says no, well, that’s their prerogative. And it…
I wish this article had covered more of what you’ve written because it is far more interesting and important to this story. Murphy is one of those types who speaks with such confidence and self righteousness that she assumes everyone will believe her-even when she's full of shit. And since I don’t think she actually…
...she killed the children because of her financial issues, and because she “had to do everything and take care of the kids ... I worked as a babysitter and [Marina Krim] wanted me to do everything.”
Yes! I remember thinking she would be so happy because after seeing hairy ladies all day, my bare bits would come in and she’d be thrilled. It was a completely irrational thought on my part but hell, I had no time for rational when I looked and felt like a hippo.
My husband did it, too. It had almost nothing to do with him and everything to do with my not wanting to see the OBGYN with a bush. I know they don’t care but it doesn’t mean I can’t.
I am fascinated by people like this troll because I am the person who goes out of my way to not bring attention to something like this. Offending someone is my worst nightmare. This actually reminds me of a time I was with two women acquaintances. All 3 of us had children and were talking about how the kids looked…
Her name is Wendy Murphy. I’ve had the misfortune of working with her and I can tell you, that Rutherford is using her-basically a screaming head on cable “news” shows-is very unsettling. She is arrogant, disrespectful and when I worked with her, I often questioned whether she had actually attended law school.
I’m genuinely curious-allegedly not consensual-according to who? Is it just observational on Gawker’s part or have you actually spoken to someone in the know?