
Kinja commenting confuses me lately so I apologize if this has already been said-happy all around but how great does that character look with normal looking arms and build? At least from what I can see, she doesn't have the standard stick arms I'm used to seeing in animation.

Same boat here (except I’m 34). I’m doing iui tomorrow after Clomid and a trigger shot last night. My first pregnancy was so easy, I didn’t even blink and I was pregnant. We have no idea why I can’t get pregnant without help now. But egg reserve was only one of a billion tests and whatnot that I (and my husband) had

It took me way too long to get to this rational comment. No, it’s not rainbows and puppies but this girl does not make it any easier on herself by squishing herself into the most uncomfortable looking shoes and clothing and traveling to the extent that she does. All that flying cannot be kind to her blood pressure,

I think I would be pretty annoyed if a teacher went and suggested this idea to my 4 year old behind my back. And not because I wouldn’t support it. But what if my kid likes his or her name and now, suddenly, a teacher is making him or her feel it isn’t a good name? That’s actually pretty shitty. We don’t have a lot of

I don’t have a problem with this ad at all but that red thing hanging does sort of look like a tongue going towards her crotch.

I didn’t sign up to educate your ass. She’s an Apostolic Christian. Go read the bible, buddy. The instances are likely endless.

You do realize that she has, unequivocally, given marriage licenses to people whose lifestyles go against her personal beliefs, right? The only people she’s ever had a problem with issuing a license to are LGBT people. This has nothing to do with her personal beliefs and everything to do with the amount of attention

Add me to the list. It happened to me twice (same dude, which actually made it far less embarrassing the second time around).

My kid goes to, literally, one of the most hippie schools in the nation and they address teachers as Mr. & Mrs. unless the teacher directs them otherwise. Really, people should be called what they want to be called. I think we’ve long lost the tradition of Mr. & Mrs. meaning someone is a slave owner. I think it is

This is a very good article, Mark. Congratulations to you and Allen.

Are we really using the word “seduced” here, Jezebel?

When people bitch about their family or their partner (present or recently past), you nod. You can agree but you can't go adding new grievances. That's just the rule.

It’s not a good looking case. Without any actual injury, emotional distress is a long shot but it’s not completely unheard of. I don’t know the details of her situation, though. I don’t know when they were informed of the mistake or if her own medical history mattered (for instance, if she were a Tay-Sachs carrier and

I would absolutely be behind them suing for negligence on the basis of the sperm bank fucking up. If they can fuck up picking the right donor sperm, what else can they be fucking up? But there is no dangerous precedent being set. They brought the wrong kind of case. That’s on them being racist assholes blinded by

Agree completely regarding having the surgery to please a man. I only have experience with a vaginal birth myself but my sister had 3 sections (necessary ones) and will tell you each was different, 1 particularly was very difficult to heal from, and contrary to popular belief, all wreaked havoc on her figure. If a

Not to make a kind of light conversation sad but in Brazil, it's less a choice to have a c-section as much as it is forced on women. I think the rate is 82%. The Atlantic has a really interesting article about it.

Some people just have more sensitive cervixes. That, too, is not uncommon. Plenty of guys probably haven’t seen it but I think many women have had some experience with spotting after sex.

You really aren't shallow. You're typical. I was initially just joking with that commenter but there is an abundance of research on this matter done by professionals like Kinsey and Masters & Johnson. I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad about having a *short* vagina. It isn't about that. It's about being realistic.

Whatever helps your ego, lady.

You might be surprised to learn that penises are not actually immovable rods and can find a way to “fit” inside you without asking your vagina to perform lengthening miracles. Look, I’m just telling you scientific facts. They’re available all over the Internet from actual reliable sources.