I am more than certain you are not having a debate about facts. That much is abundantly clear.
I am more than certain you are not having a debate about facts. That much is abundantly clear.
I missed the part where is says “lengthens to 8 inches.”
This isn’t about babies. Babies pass through the vagina. They don't ever sit in the vagina wholly alone like a penis does. That's a false equivalency. 7 inch vaginas are unusual. Atypical, even. On average, a woman's length during arousal is less than 5 inches. It's okay to admit you don't have a 9 or even 7 inch…
I’m not saying you can’t enjoy it. I genuinely hope you do enjoy it. I’m just saying you don’t have an 8 inch vagina. No one does.
If your vagina is doing the same thing during sex that it does during labor and delivery of a baby, I’m impressed.
That’s width, not length. Not to mention there's help from other parts of the body there-mainly dilation of the cervix.
If you have a 9 inch vagina, forget dick studies-you need to be studied.
I’m curious where you managed to put all 9 inches?
Wait, the dog has a pet hamster?
That’s what the other idiot clerk from the state suggested as well. And someone commented here that it’s always wise to offer the state a way to do your state job at a much cheaper price and in a more convenient way.
This explains the millions of rapes occurring right now on beaches around the world, right? I mean, beaches are fully operational rape resorts, aren’t they? I guess I can’t really recall mass rapes happening at beaches I’ve been to...but if Chrissie is saying the less you’re wearing, the more you’re asking for it,…
Eh, I still don’t buy that it’s not urine. It’s also a terrible name for anything sexual being done by an adult.
Yeah, well I want an apology from Madame Tussaud for giving us a wax figure of some nobody instead of Nicki Minaj.
Good grief. Who pissed in your Cheerios? You coming after my Christmas tree next?
I guess we, mere strangers who were not present at her birth, can never really know but by all accounts, she was born in December of 1981. Lady is 33.
She’s 33.
Uh, you don’t have to be a teen to win...Stephen Curry won right after her and he’s definitely not a teen.
Well, being injected with a mix of sedatives and poison and dying within the hour hardly seems up to your standards.
And not to get too legalese on this but where else have they made errors? Frankly, this is exactly the circumstance where punishment is warranted because this is how changes are made. This goes beyond just this one woman.
Same. Choice works both ways. It’s about bodily autonomy. You shouldn’t have a baby against your will; you shouldn’t have an abortion against your will. Were I in her shoes (and knew the fetus was sick in utero), I likely would have gotten an abortion. But if it were a healthy fetus, I’d have kept it. I expect no one…