
Thank you for writing an article the Jezebel readership *really* needs to read.

I don’t think you’re weird. If they had been alone in the apartment, sure, whatever, you wouldn’t even know. But no one should do something that common knowledge tells them will make someone else uncomfortable in their own home. I had a roommate in college (in an apartment) invite her boyfriend over and they showered

Okay, I didn’t watch the video. My understanding was that it would show a pig being tortured while awake and aware. Is that not the case? I’m not watching to find out because I don’t need that shit in my head. I mean, I’m not going to love them using live pigs but at least if they’re out and have vet care, I guess

So, at many teaching hospitals all over the world, we manage to train ER doctors to treat every kind of injury using donated ALREADY DEAD animals (including humans) and robotics but this freak thinks we need to use and torture live pigs to get the same results? He isn’t a teacher; he’s a monster.

What the fuck is this white whine, Jezebel?

No she didn't. She was away on her honeymoon. Her dad got married in her home state and she wasn't there. That's why she's mad. They planned their wedding at a time when they knew she couldn't attend.

THAT’S what the baby looked like in the movie??? WHY?????

She didn't have a choice but to sway in place because she didn’t bustle. Fool.

Bright would probably be first in line arguing for father’s rights.

I understand that. Although I do wonder if it was a choice for their mothers. We can’t really know. Nonetheless, it isn’t about the babies who have already been born. These women are pawns that he’s making the center of something that has nothing to do with them and it’s gross.

All due respect to these women conceived via rape but I don’t have one fuck to give about their opinions on this matter. I care about the women who are looking at being forced to carry their rapist’s babies and give birth to them. Those are the women this is about. Screw this asshole and these women for thinking their

I posted something similar the other day regarding the Pew religion post. I don’t doubt that a much too high number of people don’t fully support mothers working outside the home but we really need to work on our information collection methods. I think something like less than 1 in 10 people called respond.

Nothing would get me running down the road to abortion quite like a velvet box full of plastic fetuses. I didn’t even like looking at my own fetus on the ultrasound and I wanted grow into something normal looking. I just don’t get the idea that someone would get the warm and fuzzies for a malformed blob of

See, I don’t think it’s very low. $40/hour to be dolled up and have your picture taken? At age 5? That’s way more than adults with bills to pay earn. I think we’re just so used to seeing models/actors etc make so much for doing so little that we forget it’s not exactly the hardest job in the world. I guess all that

But how? That’s like saying dressing a child up for a dance recital is exploitative (and kids aren’t even paid for those). You dress up, put on some makeup and smile for the camera for two hours. Where’s the exploitation?

I think for a lot of people, they help tremendously but for someone like me, they only add to the loss of control feeling, which is one of the 2 reasons I fear flying. I simply won't take drugs because I would hate to not have control of my senses if something were to go wrong. I know that is the total opposite of how

A thousand times this. Say something! I once took off in a terrible, torrential island rain storm to fly back to the continental US and the turbulence was the worst and most terrifying of my life. And no one said anything until it was long over with-some 40 minutes later! That’s too long and just like you, I thought

No worries, pal. No one expects much progress in just one day.

I’m sorry it offends you so much that everyone disagrees with you. It can be hard to accept when you’re wrong. Keep on workin’ on it, buddy.

You didn’t answer my questions, which I expected but all the same, your “if one parent is uncomfortable” line is pretty cheap. What if the mother was “uncomfortable” with her daughter missing the Pink concert she’d been dying to attend? Now we have two uncomfortable parents! However shall we solve this problem? Don’t