
See-your idea of discussion is that he said “no” and she should have abided by his wishes. Who said she ignored his concerns? For all we know, she considered them and determined they weren’t merited. The judge agreed with that assessment. The judge said the dad was being ridiculous. Tell me-if they disagree after

No, that’s not how good parenting works. That’s how a good dictatorship works. There is no veto in good parenting. A discussion seems appropriate. Obviously in this case, this dad didn’t feel like discussing. He felt like going to court and no doubt did far more damage than a Pink concert ever could.

Without approval??

Also, why in the world should I have to make a bunch of loud noises to cover up their loud noises? Clearly I don’t like the loud shit. What if it’s 3am on a Tuesday? How about they just try to be considerate? At this point, I think it’s safe to say they’re intentionally being assholes and the sex is nothing to write

Yeah, my bullshit meter is going a little haywire on that idea. A feeding schedule from the beginning is cruel and wholly not recommended by any doctor. That’s an old school practice along with many other “teach an unteachable baby” parenting choices. Babies don’t feed on schedules because they experience growth

The idea of 25 guys in one night makes me want to sit in a tub of ice as I careen off a cliff to end it all. But hey, more power to her as long as it was consensual.

Here's where my confusion lies...was the double bed the only bed in the room? If the answer is yes, can we assume little old lady knew you were both sleeping in the bed? I know you were young and maybe not world wise but it just seems little old lady likely knew you two were bumping bits. Obviously hindsight is

I didn't call you names. I said "you sound like."

I said I had no problem finding fault with MA. Plenty. I actually wrote that up there. I can't even say that the things you find shitty aren't shitty. And I've never called myself a masshole and never will. Maybe you should stop using that word if you don't like it. It's meme territory and I can promise you it's

You seem like a delightful person. A variety of people and laws!? The horror. There are probably no other states with that kind of abuse lobbed at its citizens. And snow and potholes? You realize one causes the other, right? And it's not exactly something Massachusetts can stop from happening so that you're

Maybe delete and start over? You can pretend that a) of course you know the relationship between Bertinelli and a couple members of the band and b) of course you know this is very obviously a joke.

I am the 5th child born to my parents. They planned one. I have never operated under the illusion that I was planned. A wonderful surprise? Eh, probably not initially. Their best child? Likely. My mom got her tubes tied after I was born. Best not to mess with perfection after you’ve achieved it.

which means she was what?

This made me fall over with laughter.

She actually has a notorious trash mouth.

Candles or none, I just saw an Honest diaper commercial set to All About That Bass. Gross. For multiple reasons.

"jokes about inbreeding"

There's nothing erotic about a sunburned vagina.

Some people have family and friends that have to book flights, plan for time off or childcare. 6 months or more is just being considerate.

It's fine you don't agree but it makes neither of us right. I don't think its overreaching. She is already requesting a certain subset of men. If she were just cheating on her disabled husband, without his knowledge, I could write "she sucks" and be done with it but she's giving this interview and wants a pat on