
I want an underwater treadmill. I think it would make my knee very happy.

How about continual increased access to the Internet, which had increasing amounts of safe sex information on it? Or increased access to Plan B, now that it is available over the counter?

Juno is about a girl having fun placing a baby for adoption, not having fun parenting a baby as a teen. Kind of the opposite.

She specifically discusses the abortion rate and the unknown but presumably steady miscarriage rate.

Women made it into the top five of "phases"? Right on! We were noticed! Maybe after all the sequels, group movies, and movies about other male heroes are done, we'll get a shot!

My vaginal discharge is the stuff of champions! My sticky, pungent glue holds in it all of the secrets of my foremothers. When I look down at my vaginal discharge while peeing, I see the vaginal discharge of my mother, who comforted weeping men in the dentist's chair, my grandmother who adopted her ninth child after

To be fair, he is probably inundated with it on a daily basis, so I can see why he would be tired of it. I doubt I could spend any time around him without whipping out the big sarcasm guns.

Perhaps, but my guess is that a lack of women in his life (likely a combination of his awkwardness and obvious repulsiveness) has caused him to subconsciously delude himself into thinking "the reason for my failure with women isn't because they don't want me, it's because I don't want them." Then, mimicking the

Right, because asking a sales person for a size and finding out they don't carry it is the same as having someone make unsolicited comments about your weight and being asked to leave the store.

Thank you! This is really helpful. I feel like I'm beginning the advocacy for my child thing - and he just turned 3. Good thing they're cute! I will ping you if I have further questions - thank you. I plan on going full steam with developmental therapy regardless of an official diagnosis - it can only help is

That's how it was with our son. He spoke and walked on time and could read when he was 3. We didn't really notice the behavior problems until he started school and began doing things like self stimulating and slapping himself because it's difficult for him to be around groups kids, which wasnt a problem at home

When I was that age, that's exactly what my parents were told by my doctor, and the subject was dropped and I was just considered a smart kid that acts weird and who should have that weirdness lectured out of me. Twenty years later, after a childhood and adolescence of being misunderstood by my family, my teachers,

Hi, I went through the same process with my son when he was 18 months old. (I had a friend of a friends who was an ABA therapist, so...) Anyway, you should get his name on a list to be seem by a developmental pediatrician. That may take awhile. Maybe up to a year. In the interim, contact your local school system.

Lindy's article earlier in the week about the girl from the daily beast who was complaining about thin shaming brought up some old memories for me and I ended up writing a post, which ended up being pretty long and cathartic, as a response. However, because of being at the other side of the Atlantic I was late to the

Hearing Mary Beard discuss this statue is a real treat.

Well this is the first time I realized that I didn't watch an actual documentary.... I wondered why everyone thought it was terrible and I thought it was cool. My boyfriend's telling me the photos are fake and photoshopped and I'm like, "NO! Why would the Discovery Channel use photoshopped photos?! That's ridiculous."

Shark week is about 20% science, 60% footage of breeches and bites, 20% dramatic narration.