I eagerly await this true patriot being awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in the very near future.
I eagerly await this true patriot being awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in the very near future.
All the torsional rigidity of a shoe box without the lid with the weight of the USS Missouri
But Obama didn’t and you are a lunatic
this is good and deserves more stars although i doubt anyone remembers 10000 years ago when event happened that youre referencing.
I still think the wound from the massacre is too fresh.
Just to further the point - the people who voted for the asshole explicitly did it because they like that “he tells it like it is”, or “he says what other people are too afraid to”. When that’s their reason for liking the guy, they don’t also get to claim he’speaking in some top-secret code that only the chosen few…
‘Who controls the past,’ ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.’ And yet the past, though of its nature alterable, never had been altered. Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. It was quite simple. All that was needed was an unending series of…
What a weird argument to make. The C8 is something that every Jalop should be celebrating, regardless of your brand loyalty
We’ll simply tart up the name and call it “negative equity” so it doesn’t scare people who know nothing about it. Then we’ll lengthen the term by a couple of years to bring down their monthly payment by $50.
won’t someone think of the forgotten boomers, that hard working class that pulled up every ladder after they climbed it and told the next generation, “we got ours, tough shit for you guys.”
Wishbone in Chicago has the following. I get it every single time!!!
I honestly didn’t think it could get more embarrassing. It has reached the point of heartbreaking on my scale, well past the point of anger, humor, contempt, and camp. Not sure what the next step would be.
Dear Penthouse,
You were saying?
I thought this was going to be about Matt Farah riding scooters.
Agreed. Great place for father son bonding!
David’s neighbors-
Even if she had been comparing them to the death camps, it’s not that bad of a comparison. Most death camps started out as concentration camps, and only changed as things got worse.
“I believe the president would always do the right action.”
Long Islander here, there are too many damn people. Staying in the left lane is easier than making 100,000 lane changes.