
God, why do we have to export this man? Can we not? Can we send him to an abandoned studio set and say it’s England? He wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.

As far as international law and the Geneva Convention go, Duncan fuckface probably did not commit a war crime. If his battery was aimed at targets of military necessity, he is in the clear.

yeah, i had the same question while reading this. she responded to the topic clearly and directly, and the show hosts just kept harping on it. if you provide a succinct, clear answer and then the “asker” keeps pushing the subject as if you dodged the question instead, what the hell else is there to do? annoying, and

I think we are finding a lot of the policies and tools that form the executive branch’s tool box, and the rules around executive conduct itself, were poorly defined, in a legal sense, because the assumption was that no one would be so craven or stupid to abuse them to the extent the current oval office occupant has

So Chevy has a Blazer and a Trailblazer?  Nice work GM.

I don’t even like Schumer a little bit, but he has zero authority over any state legislatures.

Dude unlike other commenters on this site I don’t and won’t cop for the Democratic Party or Democratic Party politicians but your meaningless drivel about Chuck Schumer does nothing. Chuck Schumer is a powerless clown, Democrats haven't had the Senate it's not his fault he can't stop that cartoonishly evil piece of

Here’s the thing I’ve always tried to explain to the Tiger Woods fans, he’s never been Jackie Robinson, shit he’s not even PK Subban, a black man who is well aware that he’s black and also well aware and willing to speak on the blatant racism he receives for playing what is perceived to be a “white sport”. Woods has

I have plenty of friends who rightfully and justifiably deride climate change deniers and anti-vaxers as wrongheaded for ignoring science, evidence and logic. These same people often have strong opinions on this topic that mirror Deadspin’s. The only thing I’ve learned from talking to them is that we’ll all abandon

Deadspin across several writers now have seemed to have taken the position that there is no difference between the biological sexes. They have quoted favorably an English professor Jennifer Doyle who all but said XX women are lazy and to brainwashed by society in order to compete with men. Her quote “Every woman

I am always surprised when someone finds their straw that broke the camel’s back, but I think that it’s one of those things where when you pause and try to look at it outside the fog of the Trump era, it is really a big holy shit moment. The AG lied under oath to protect a president who was found to be obstructing

I’m no fan of Schumer’s, but I’m unconvincinced that this is 100% his fault. These candidates aren’t running because they don’t think it’s good for their careers, i.e. they don’t think they can win (That, or they’re too busy with delusional aspirations of running for President somehow, like Bullock). And I’m sure he

Did you just get back from creeping around the school buses this morning?

While part of me wants to reflexively say: ‘fuck you Boomers, you squandered and wasted the greatest period of economic success in our nation’s history for pettiness, greed, and selfish BS that you voted for, eat a big plate of crow that you personally cooked’, I also don’t want to see a bunch of old folks starve to

Dismiss your mentally defective trolls.

I think if someone followed you around all the time recording everything you said it would be very easy for someone with an agenda to take your words and twist them horribly out of context to score choir-preaching points. Keeping her mouth shut and toeing the line is what the Right wants and its quite clear from her

Wow you can get 7 seniors to Olive Garden after church in this thing. I’d say Buick has a winner here.

The state where I live (Tennessee) offers two free years of community college or technical school for all high school graduates. The state went overwhelmingly for Drumpf in the election, yet all these “let’s trigger some libs” morons don’t possess the cognitive ability to realize that they’re sending Junior off to

As a professor (and someone who lived in Germany for many years, which has a system similar to what you describe), here’s my take:

Anyone who wants to pursue higher education deserves that chance. While some people are not temperamentally or academically suited to higher education, it is more often the case that those

Honestly, most of my student athletes have been fairly solid. Not the best writers, but not the worst.

The really sad cases are the folks who get in on a conditional admittance, because tuition dollars are evidently more important than ensuring we’ve prepared these students to succeed.

...I may take issue with some of