
Well, that's because nicotine and cigarettes are worse than weed.

Clearly a punny headline written by someone who doesn't actually understand vaporizers...since the whole point of a vaporizer is that there is neither smoke nor fire.

Oh, east coast. So adorably 18 months behind weed trends.

I can't lie, I'd wear a pair of these jeans just to tell people lions distressed them. But I'm also a relentless douche so there's that

I would agree with you, BUT people are buying these jeans so there will be more lions in the world. So huzzah!

Sure, they take pride in their work.

At first, I was all like "WTF? I would never spend a dime on this shit....*pfft* what is this shit?" Then, I watched the video and my ovaries exploded. I WANT THEM ALL!!!!!!!

I WILL! And then everyone will go, "What's that intoxicating scent wafting off you?" And I'll say, "Essence of Aslan."

It would be even better if the mirror covered medicine chest style shelves, so you could put the silverware, napkins, candles and accessories away there.

This is honestly the best explanation of HP vs Torque I have ever read!

As soon as I heard about the HPV vaccine, I went to Planned Parenthood to get it. I got the first shot (it's a series of 3 shots, with a month or two in between each shot) and waited a couple months for the second shot. When I went back, they said they wouldn't give it to me because I had turned 27. I still don't

...but that could lead to or exacerbate a yeast infection!

I've not heard trans used as a slur, correct me if I am wrong. Tr*nny on the other hand is. And we are having a perfectly grown up conversation about slurs. I don't have to spell it out for you to know what I mean. I take it the asterisk in the racial slurs above aren't an issue for you? What does it matter if it

I have sneaking suspicions that visiting tourists keep it alive more than the people that live in Spain.

ohh I didn't know it was caged in and your in a raft.

404 waterslide not found.

This really doesn't seem that scary. Maybe if you weren't in a raft it would be a bit more thrilling, but it's extremely short and the hump in the middle seems to really slow the raft down.

Of course not all, but statistically speaking... yes, americans are "fat, dumb and wasteful"

You're wrong though. Online harassment frequently can ruin lives and/or go offline with ease.