
this sheriff should provide photo evidence of these people walking around at the mall in orange prison jumpsuits. i don't want to believe it. and i don't, actually.

oh my god how cool would it be to find all those after she passes? *salivates at the idea of post-humous publication*

i guess it's not a good sign when the entire concept is a lie. "befriending the Lee sisters" is a huge exaggeration from "moved in next door to one and took advantage of her age and potential loneliness to find out intimate details she didn't know i was planning on publishing", so i can't imagine how the rest of her

i remember in the early 2000s there were lots of shitty site builder websites (i think one had the word picto in it?) and 8th grade me would just collect shitty icons and put them all over my shitty blog/website thing. i wish it still existed just so i could laugh/cry about 13 year old me.

haha oh well if no one else was there than it's all good. i was thinking of people who take a while during a busy period. and ya my boyfriend grew up in multiple countries and never tipped at all. he hates having to do it here (canada). is a service charge just like a flat rate kind of "tip"?

i heard a restaurant give the argument that because hardly any unprofessional cell phone quality photo looks good, often when you search their restaurant online all customers see are bad photos of bad looking food. so it hurts business.

it's definitely not bad as long as you are conscious that by taking longer than average to wrap things up (especially after you've finished eating) you're preventing your server from being able to seat another table that they could make money off of. consider reflecting the extra time you took in their tip, especially

oh i totally understand, i'm sorry my comment didn't convey that. i know lots of women who shave completely bare, and prefer it that way and there's nothing wrong with that. and i guess i see what you're saying about since they chose to do the job they also chose to shave their pubes. but i guess for me it just seems

while I agree that no one should judge others for their choices in pubic hair style, i don't think these women could exactly choose to pose for playboy with pubic hair. so in this case it's kind of a choice made for them by a male dominated industry.


i feel like there has to be some liability risks here. like as great as the customers must feel at the time aren't they still suffering the long term effects of alcohol on their liver/kidneys? i'm sure they must have waivers and stuff to cover their asses but still the idea that people are using this regularly to

thanks so much! i think i will

I have a problem with a friend who's an amazing friend, but only when he's sober. it's not alcohol but other stuff that he keeps secret (i'm pretty sure just crazy mixes of club drugs). like last night he'd invited me to go to this party, and i was super stoked and did my hair and everything. we had dinner, and then

i don't really think there's a proper way to grieve or anything. i think for me it's really important not to bury my feelings about it. like give yourself the opportunity to be upset and have mixed feelings without judgement. it's okay not to know how to feel. i always just shoved it deep down and often would get mad

Sims was a huge factor in me discovering my identity. I was mesmerized by the gay relationships I could create there. I really think my tween/teen years would have been harder if I didn't have my secret lesbian households to go home to.

I wish they made the teen relationships a bit more complex, even if they still couldn't full-on woohoo. it's super boring now

because he forgot to butch up for a government photo? i highly doubt this was some grand gesture to get his identity represented on his license. i hadn't washed my hair for a while when I got my photo taken, but it wasn't because I identify as a slob, it's because i didn't wash my hair, plain and simple. i love your

I read the whole wiki on Munchausen by proxy after i heard this story so I have your answer! wikipedia says it's 95% women, and 5% men. when women suffer from it, the gender of the child is irrelevant. with men suffer from it it's 3x more likely to be a boy.