
I’ve never lived in the US, but Sweden is great! Interestingly enough, my university class is made up of about 2/3ds exchange students and a majority are planning on settling down here instead of going back to their home countries. However, it does get very cold, the winters are long and dark and the Scandinavian

Well, at this point, the United States are kinda the Knicks of the world.

Best action MSG has seen in ages.

I’m so sick of this as advice for millennials or any other group for that matter.

The thought of going home to Olivia Munn is enough to inspire any man to greatness.

i mean, i’m fine with just sportscenter re-runs for those 4 hours

Just change the name to Mic & Mic, then the only thing you have to worry about is having a microphone for each host.

God...I haven’t been this concerned since Hootie left the Blowfish.

I am a hard-core Giants fan, but I have a dirty secret: I hate OBJ.

This should really set the standard for any more boat takes this season. Any article should contain a minimum of five puns about boats, sailing, etc.

Which emphasizes just how much the injury to Carr affected them. Nobody on that team had any confidence in either McGloin or Cook and played like it.

I believe Patton Oswalt already explained the real reason for the hospital stay:

The swastika on the forehead is a little much even for them. Swastika tattoos must be in a concealable location, like the chest, neck (now hidden by 2nd chin) or buttcheek.

Brutal but to be fair it’s pretty clear he was not trying to tackle him, he was trying to push him out of bounds...which he did........ and also paid dearly for.

Now playing

Terrible pad level. He must have learned that technique from watching Planet Earth II.

If you slow-mo the video you can practically feel the CTE.

I used to do this a LOT, actually - with one small exception. I would smoke a bowl and then pour honey directly into my mouth before eating most of a loaf of cinnamon raisin bread and go to bed until it was Monday.

A thermos full of free rum and cokes had me feeling benevolent.

They seem like a fun couple who are totally patient with retail employees and roadworks crew members.