
Almost all of the PS5 games to date worth mentioning are basically PS4 games with a ‘glow-up’. We haven’t really seen ‘next gen games’ because for the first 2-3 years of it’s release, it was: impossible to find, and in the middle of a global pandemic that destroyed development across the board. Get over yourself.

PS5 was almost impossible to get for the first 2-3 years of release. This is.. Incredibly short sighted/greedy on $ony’s part.

Twitter is more a content platform then a game company..
And Unity kinda did it to themselves. 

The issue with the claims that people cycle their cars before the 28-60 odd thousand miles- is that it mostly accounts for the purchasing habits of the upper % of the population.. Not the ‘everyday person’.
There is no reputable research that shows that switching over to EV’s as a whole will end up being a ‘net bad’

Not really. They were a hundred years ago. Now they’re just a investigation and asset recovery company.

Maybe if Huawei wasn’t in bed with the CCP that’d be different. Or if they weren’t nailed for industrial espionage...? 

“Dedicated PS customers” - that automatically induces eyerolls. Sony has screwed their customer base, and blatantly lied so many times it’s ridiculous.
Out of the two companies- it’s not MS that’s the sketchier. Pull your fanboy hat off, and look at the historical facts on that one.

The real, messed up part- is right before nVidia decided to bend it’s customers over- the CEO had said that they felt that the graphics cards should be priced like an average gaming console...
Here’s hoping their sales tank harder this generation so that they remember and get more in line with that again.

I hope Chris gets back in the industry soon. We met up with him at PAX West when he was first getting back into the industry, and he was ecstatic and surprised that he still had fans. One of the nicest freaking people (though- admittedly very socially awkward which does give a slight ‘odd vibe’) that I’ve met in the

Death Stranding *ran* well- but the frequent crashes & save loss made it impossible for me to get into.

Situations like these- they should release the a**hat’s name and law office, so that the ‘netizens can blast the heck out of the egotistical power hungry ‘fan’.

In honesty- it’s a gorgeous game, and while yes- some of the stereotypes that I didn’t recognize when I was older are painfully obvious (and cringe inducing) - that doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s a beautifully done game, with a very ‘alive’ feeling world (that not many AAA games bother with).

I figure I made

Ironically- the Conservatives/Republicans boycotted the books and movies because ‘oh no, magic is evil’

He makes some valid points. 

Those ‘quotes’ are extremely out of context. Maybe- just maybe be bothered to actually read said review before listening to a moron on twitter.

Awesome! Though, the looks of the car and air-platform remind me of some of the people’s experiments with speed running from the first BotW

While Kotick is a walking pile of scum- the points in regards to Tencent aren’t ‘stoking fear’ - they’re pretty on point.

Compared to other, MUCH more impactful mergers- see: Disney buying Marvel/Fox; this is getting WAY too much scrutiny to the point of being suspicious.
I’d love to see an investigation on just how much $ Sony is paying out in ‘donations’ to regulators, or regulator owned businesses this last year...

Finally!! Can’t wait!

Hopefully it has more free-form to it than the predecessors- which while fun, ultimately play more like puzzles than true turn based strategy.