
Who would have thought that a (albeit pretty, and occasionally fun when it works) game that doesn’t have most of the content claimed, or the depth that an older game (Vermintide) had- could possibly be received poorly.

It’s almost like gamers expect a certain modicum of content and quality.

I’m pretty darn impressed with the summersaulting for 300 meters accurately... That’s not exactly easy O_O

An NFT is effectively nothing more than an overly complex proof of purchase/receipt.
There is no ‘need’ for it in any capacity. Steam, Epic, Xbox and Sony *could* let you resell games/game licenses after you’ve played. They don’t because $. An NFT isn’t going to change that- and any thought/claim otherwise is beyond

An NFT is effectively nothing more than an overly complex proof of purchase/receipt.
Why companies and idiots think this is something that’s ‘needed’ is beyond anyone with common sense.

I never realized formless pink crappy shag carpet bags were fashionable. Who knew?


Have some stars for being bold enough to state blunt honesty on this one. Kudos :-) 

Glad to see a Developer getting a clue that players are getting sick and tired of microtransaction crap.

I mean... Sims 4 is going F2P, for the base game. So they’re kind of doing that to milk the heck out of it while 5 is in the pipe 

She’s honestly a pretty awesome Voice Actor.

it’s honestly shockingly comfortable to play on.

didn’t help that they completely ignored all feedback about the issues :-/

Seriously this. The corpo apologizers are so brain-washed it’s sad.

What you’re missing, is that the *market* for video games has EXPLODED in that period. Hitting a hundred thousand, or even a million copies sold isn’t a big deal anymore. While costs of actual distribution have, as a whole - decreased (not counting collectors editions/steel books).

This isn’t a ‘needs to happen’ - it’s

I mean... It explains so much about Kanye..

Honestly? I agree. GoT, while great- was a little too ‘hardcore’/’souls-like’ for many.
While Ubi may be a crappy place when it comes to internal treatment, they do treat their various settings with a modicum of respect, and make them a bit on the fun side.
Ymmv- but, I’m looking forward to Red.

You regain energy by either eating food; or walking into your characters house. Literally. Walking. Into. The house.

The rightwing nutjobs have censored, blocked, banned and ‘cancelled’ far more then the ‘Left’ has.

Spewing vile hate does not = poking fun at a imaginary character.

No. D&D isn't popular because of the LGBTQ community. Sorry. It's popular across the gamut. If anything, it's driven by the sheer level of acceptance of all walks of life and identity.