Applebees food is fine and their booze is cheap. It’s not great, it’s just fine.
Applebees food is fine and their booze is cheap. It’s not great, it’s just fine.
If you have a contract, you have a different relationship with your employer, even in an at will state. If you have a contract that says you can’t be fired unless you do “x” then if they fire you, the state may not have a problem with them, but a judge will if you sue them for breach of contract.
he probably spends that at the Cheesecake Factory and Diamonds of LA each month.
Remember, that drop isn’t legally binding, and there’s no way a dude gets axed solely because of an anonymous internet report.
Dude was clearly damaged by those stories, and he’s got a right to have it proven out whether that damage was justified by the truth or not.
They are investing money in new jobs. I mean, right at the top of the article it acknowledges that, and overall levels of investment in the economy are healthy.
Look, either we’re doing this whole, let’s go explore people’s tweets from years ago thing, or we’re not.
I actually agree with this important distinction.
Yes. That’s my point.
Is that what you took away from this?
See, I’m cool with a definition of racism that says “Prejudice + Power = Racism”.
Seeing stuff like this is what drew me back in last weekend. I started a new game, and my first planet was a bit easier to deal with than usual, my second planet wasn’t so bad, but the 3rd planet I spotted before I landed looks like it’s going to be a paradise.
Well it’s easy to focus on the highlights like tax cuts, hits to the ACA, foreign policy gaffes, and other things, stuff like this is so important to talk about.
Even whiskey drinkers, the most frugal group when classified by type of alcohol, wound up spending almost $40.
I mean, inappropesness aside, doesn’t all the evidence we have point towards there being pretty limited potential for (gags) intimate contact (hork) between the two?
100% agreed in re the work they’ve done. I went back into it this weekend after giving up at around the 3 hour mark when I bought the game 3-4 months after launch on sale because I’d heard it was improving and that more improvements were coming. At the time, I was still unimpressed, but this last weekend I found…
You’d think a pimp would want a peacock jacket to really emphasize the point when they pop their collar.