
What I feel is missing from a lot of these reports on the study (beyond how weird it is to lump 10 year-olds’ opinions on this with 24 year-olds) is the fact that there’s less sex in film than ever, yet erotic content is more at our fingertips; it feels like a lot of people conflate the availability of porn with the

We’re probably living through the most sexless period in movies in decades. Erotic thrillers used to be genre unto themselves and now they’re basically nonexistent.

You’ve had plenty of time to respond and yet you have no evidence for your comment. I guess you and pbug need to hang out and maybe decide what it is you’re unhappy about so you can come back an make a cogent argument instead of being a couple of dumbasses that just regurgitate FN talking points.

I cannot believe that standup comedy is not a completely accurate retelling of actual events that occurred in real life! What is next, sitcoms not being true? Are they going to start making movies about things that didn’t happen??

“standup comedian embellishes details for sake of comedy.” News at 11.

What an astoundingly stupid comment.

hate mongers like AOC and the Squad.

By all means, lay out your case for AOC being a ‘hate monger’.

It's a white guy.

Oh, look. Another both sides dipshit. Yes, there are so many “extremist” Democrats. People who want things like higher taxes on the rich, action on climate change, and universal healthcare. So EXTREME!

It’s actually worse I think. Jordan is a household name as a verifiable creep. No one knows who Mike Johnson is. So for the like .005% of voters out there who can still be swayed by anything, maybe they’ll think, “well, at least the GOP didn’t go with Jim Jordan.” Jordan as house speaker would’ve basically guaranteed

Who is it?

This schmuck is smooth but very scary.  He doesn’t act like he’s on LSD like MTG or Boboobs, but he’s way to the right of Atilla The Hun, clearly quite the woman hater.  Women, from his view, have one job in life, pump out men willing to work cheap.  I wonder if he wants to reinstate slavery, setup concentration camps

Johnson is a fascist religious extremist, and you can fuck right off with your lies about AOC.

I have some bad news for you about everything surrounding Austin.

Translation: “I just want everyone to be quiet about politics like they were when I was a kid so I can pretend everything is okay!!!”

What policy positions make AOC an “extremist”? I can’t wait for your no-doubt well-informed, carefully-considered response.

A Southern state with high levels of poverty and massive race-based inequality? Don’t take the one Democratic location - New Orleans (voted 83% Democrat in Orleans country in 2020 election) - as representative of the rest of the state. 

...that we know of. 

He’s basically Jim Jordan, minus the covering up rape baggage.